What's Happening in the Classrooms

Junior School

Year 1/2 JM

Here we are, already over halfway through Term 3. Time flies when students are engaged with their learning! The Year 1/2 students have shown so much growth. Read on to hear about our exciting discoveries!



In Writing, the Year 1/2 students have been learning all about Procedural Writing. We have been getting hands-on by following various procedures before writing about them. Just some of the things we have done are:

  • made sandwiches (both jam and Vegemite!)
  • made honey joys
  • drawn an owl using step-by-step instructions

The Year 1/2s have practised using the correct structure to write a procedure (Aim, Materials/Ingredients, Method/Steps, Outcome). They have also been learning about the unique kinds of words we find in procedural Writing. These include nouns (people, places, animals and things) and action verbs (doing words). 



In Phonics, the Year 1/2 students have been participating in Phonics Daily Review. Daily Review is a great way to start the day, as we revise all the letters and sounds we have learnt and practise reading and writing them! The students have shown tremendous improvement due to this process.



Year 1/2 has been launching into all sorts of mathematical investigations. They have been working in teams to collaborate on various problems involving Fractions. Here are some photographs of the students solving rich tasks. Everybody has shown a growth mindset and demonstrated curiosity, just like real mathematicians!


Religious Education / Inquiry

This term, the Year 1/2s have been learning about Stewardship of Creation. We have listened to the Creation Story and have reflected on how God calls us to be caretakers for the Earth. The students made beautiful gratitude books using Book Creator on their iPads, which included thank you prayers to God. We have so much for which to be grateful at Holy Family School.


What a great start to the term. We can’t wait to see where our learning journey leads us next!


Miss Serena Jordan-Munro

Year 1/2 Classroom Teacher