Mr G's Goss
What a fantastic Term it has been so far and we still have a lot to look forward to in the last two weeks of the term. Recently we have had our Wakakirri Performance and I would like to congratulate all of the students involved, as your performance was brilliant. Our book fair was a huge success throughout week 7 and it was pleasing to see so many students passionate about reading.
During the week we have had our Student Learning Celebrations and I would like to thank all of the parents for making time to come and see all the wonderful learning opportunities that your child/children have been a part of so far during 2022. Our Foundation students had the most amazing day at the zoo today and I am sure they will come home to share stories about all the different animals they have seen.
We have District Basketball tomorrow for some our senior students and we wish them all the best for the day. In week 9 we have a Year 2 incursion Bricks 4 kidz, District Athletics and a Foundation Incursion about responsible pet ownership. In week Ten we have an Indigenous Studies Incursion for the whole school and to finish off the term we will be having our annual Footy Day on the last day complete with our Famous Parade and a Footy Day meal deal.
Finally I would like to wish all the Fathers a wonderful Sunday for Father’s Day, I hope you are thoroughly spoilt by your kids.
An important reminder that TOMORROW Friday the 2nd September from 2:30pm-3:15pm, we will be having a Father’s/Special Person afternoon. We would like to invite all Fathers/Special Person’s to come and visit their child/children’s class to enjoy a small treat and participate in activities with them.
I have continued to be super impressed with the progress students have been making with their reading nights. A number of students have reached 50, 100, 150 and the magical 200 reading nights mark, this term. I encourage all students to try to get to 200 nights of reading so that they can be a part of our reading nights party later in the year.
Congratulations to all of our Somerville Star Award winners at our assembly last week. You have all done a sensational job and set a wonderful example for your classmates.