From the Principal 

David Tapp

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we race to the end of another Term, it has been extremely pleasing to see so many opportunities for the students of Somerville Primary School. Students in Grade 3-6 who were in Wakakirri performed at Frankston Arts Centre last Tuesday night and together with the teachers put together a magnificent performance. Students have been getting ready for their Student Learning Celebration evening, the feedback I received on Monday night was that many families were very impressed with their child’s academic growth and also enjoyed sharing in their child’s success. 

Thank you to the Literacy Team for organising the Book Fair, this provides an excellent opportunity to browse through books with your children and purchase these at a significantly discounted rate. Our Student Leaders did an amazing job organising the Book Character Parade, thankfully the rain held off and we were able to run it as a whole school. There were some amazing costumes, great dancing by the teachers too!



The students in 2K who have been writing up procedural texts, one of the procedures they wrote was based on making fairy bread; they did an outstanding job and shared some with me! Outstanding work 2K!

Please remember that the staff carpark is not for parents to park, this is an OHS issue as we have a number of trades that use the carpark and they are not looking for children, we want to ensure all children are kept safe. Unfortunately as we enter Spring the local Plovers are back, nesting around the Frankston Flinders Gate, for the foreseeable future, we will be keeping that gate closed so that the Plovers are less likely to swoop our students. 

On Friday we have our Fathers and Special Person Afternoon, all of our students are looking forward to sharing special activities and treats with their dads or special people. Have a lovely weekend, enjoy Fathers Day and we will see everyone next week! 

Kind Regards,


David Tapp
