Grade Point Averages (GPAs)
Congratulations to Ella Phipps, Natalie Churchill, and Jessica Churchill who all achieved a perfect 4.0 Grade Point Average this term. The school average this term is 3.13 which is up on last terms of 3.09. The averages for each year level are as follows:
Year 7 3.12 (Term 2, 3.05)
Year 8 3.02 (Term 2, 2.91)
Year 9 3.25 (Term 2, 3.19)
Year 10 3.13 (Term 2, 3.14)
Year 11 3.13 (Term 2, 3.18)
Year 12 3.17 (Term 2, 3.31)
Congratulations to all students who have worked hard to increase their GPA.
NAPLAN Certificates of Achievement
Congratulations to Callum Olden and Declan Beech who were both awarded with certificates from the Victorian Curriculum and assessment Authority for outstanding achievement in NAPLAN (Callum for Reading and Declan for Reading and Numeracy. These certificates will be presented at the first assembly in Term 4.
Building Works
Our new learning wing is close to being ready but the wet weather has delayed our program by about a month. (Apparently this is the wettest winter in Korumburra since 1908!) Consequently, we will continue to operate classes out of the A wing until the end of the year. It is likely, with good weather, that Headstart will run in our new learning wing. The General Office has moved back into the admin area and parents and caregivers can access this via entry through one of the external doors in the A wing. The new foyer to the admin will not be completed until after demolition of the A wing. John and I would like to thank our community for their continued patience as we undergo further inconvenience for another term.
Mobile Phones
As our community would be aware, mobile phone use for students from the first bell to the last bell of the day is banned. This is a Department of Education regulation and not one we control, however, as a school, we know that phones can be a distraction and can lead to a number of anti-social behaviours. It is proven that mobile phone use at school interferes with student learning.
Although we have encouraged students to place their phones in their locked lockers, we are aware that students do have their phones on their person. It is certainly not appropriate, or our job, to search students for their phones, however, part of being a community means that we need to follow the rules to support each other to make our environment a safer and better place. As a school, we know that when things go wrong, mobile phones are often at the heart of the problem and have been used to be disrespectful towards others, to bully or harass, or to break the law by filming other people without their permission, or by forwarding inappropriate images.
Students have been reminded about the rules but stronger consequences from Term 4 will now also be in place for students who use their phone during the day. Parents and carers can support the learning environment at school by not contacting their child during the day via their phones. All urgent matters can be communicated via the General Office or the Middle or Senior School Assistant. We would recommend that students who work and may be called in for a shift ask their employer to contact them via email.
Year 12s
As our Year 12s lead into their final weeks of schooling, we wish them nothing but the best. This is an exciting but also stressful time for them as they prepare for exams and/or final assessments and embark on the next stage of their life’s journey.
To all our students and staff, have a wonderful break over the holidays, ready for a busy Term 4.
Principal - Vaya Dauphin
Assistant Principal - John Wilson