Year 3 News

It’s been another busy couple of weeks in the Year 3 rooms but we’ve been having lots of fun too, here are some highlights.



We’ve been completing lots of activities about fractions. Everyone loved playing Fraction Bingo, we rolled 2 six-sided dice, the larger number became the denominator and the smaller number rolled was the numerator for the fraction. Then we crossed off the fraction on our game board, if we had it, and tried to cross off a line of 5.

We also played Fraction Scoot where we move around the room finding the answers to 30 fraction questions on cards.

Then we worked in groups to order fraction numbers written on cards, we used our fraction wall to help.



We finally got to make the Prototype for our innovation, this was not as easy as we thought! Next, we combined writing with our unit of inquiry and the design process to create an Information Report about our innovation. It was in the form of a poster with headings and sub-headings. 


We then presented our innovation and poster to the class and this completed the “communicate” section of the design process.


Early last week we used the platform to practice our block coding. Then on Friday we were really excited to try the Lego WeDo kits.


We worked in pairs to complete a series of projects. We constructed a model from Lego then connected it to the laptop and created a block code to get it to work, the projects began with getting a snail to light up then became a bit harder each time using different Lego components. 



We’re looking forward to doing some more Lego WeDo soon.