Year 2 News 


In maths, we have started exploring division as sharing and equal groups, which is related to multiplication. We brainstormed what we knew about division, then watched a Brainpop video on sharing. 


We looked at a book, titled “Bean Thirteen” and discussed and worked out how thirteen is a hard number to share between different numbers as there is often leftovers or remainders. They completed a worksheet, demonstrating their understanding of sharing. In pairs, we played a game where the children took it in turns to select a number from 6-20 and then rolled the dice to determine how many to share the items between. If the items could be shared equally, they received two points, if there were leftovers/remainders they only got 1 point. 


The children also completed a fun activity where they were given sharing division problems to determine the number of body parts they needed to draw on a “crazy critter”. They used counters to work out their answers. 


We also learnt about division as equal groups. We watched a video to learn about how to put a given number in groups of a set amount and if there were any leftovers or remainders. We learnt how to write this division equation. We read a book called “Divide and Ride” where 11 children went on different rides in groups, but then there were left overs so more people came to join the ride. 


For Maths with Someone we played a game where the children rolled a dice to determine how many counters were in each group and then rolled again to see how many groups they needed. They then put counters on a mat and wrote the matching division problem. 


We also looked out the language and tools associated with capacity and went out to the sandpit to see how many cups of sand it toolk to fill certain containers. We estimated first, then measured and compared them to see how close we were. 


These last two weeks have seen the Year 2 students further investigate the behaviour of bees and the method of honey extraction. We had Elliott from The Southern Metropolitan Bee Club come in and explain various techniques of handling bees as well as how bees make honey. 


Students then wrote an article on the incursion. We have also learnt about the waggle dance and how it communicates sources of flowers to the rest of the hive. 


The students have just begun their Speaking and Listening Learning Task where they have chosen a Minibeast to investigate. They researched in non-fiction books, online and used their inquiry book to bring information on habitat, life cycle and some fun facts together. 


They will be producing a poster, model and cue cards in preparation of presenting their information to the class. In week 10 we will celebrate all of their leaning with a mini-exhibition. 



The students have done a wonderful job of writing a plan, draft and publishing their creative story on minibeasts and these will be sent home this Friday. 



Last week in Literacy the students have been writing a narrative story with the main character being a minibeast. This tied into our current unit of inquiry ‘Sharing the Planet’. The students wrote a story plan first and then a rough copy. Finally, the students turned their rough drafts into their own picture story books. We had so many minibeasts getting up to all sorts of mischief.  


I liked that my story was all about bugs and it was fun because we did lots of writing and added pictures. All the stories were really good. Izzie D. 2C 


I liked how much time and effort we put into our stories. I liked that every single story was different. 

James R. 2C 


I liked writing about spider because I love bugs. My story was about spider that lived in the corner of a dark room and he was lonely. Edward S. 2C 


I liked writing my narrative story because you got to choose your own minibeast. I also that we got to write as much as we wanted and let our imagination go free. 

Aleia R. 2C 


I liked choosing my own minibeast for my story. I liked that there was no limit to how much you wrote. 

Ryan K. 2D 


I liked that you could think of anything that happened in your story and that you could draw your own pictures.

 Jack A. 2D 


I really like writing, so it was really fun and I got to choose my own minibeast.

 Avie M. 2D 


I liked that my story could end anyway and I liked doing the drawings in my picture story book. 

Mia C. 2D 


I liked hearing other people's stories because they were interesting and they were all different. 

Lila M. 2B 


I liked reading other people’s stories because they were all different. They had different Bold Beginnings, Mighty Middles and Excellent Endings. 

Levi S. 2B 


I liked decorating my picture story book and hearing everyone else's stories because they were all different and interesting. 

Stevie C. 2B 


I liked doing my narrative, because I like to write a draw. 

Mason H. 2B 



I liked writing my narrative, because I got to choose what I wrote and loved doing the illustrations. 

Charlotte S. 2A 


I liked that we got to make up our own stories and I made it dramatic. My story was about two worms. 

Maddi N. 2A 


I like making my story up. It was called Bug Wars and I had a white spider, a leaf bug a butterfly, a tarantula, huntsmen and a redback in my story. 

Harry F. 2A 


I just love to write and enjoyed writing my narrative. 

Beau N. 2A 


Wellbeing Week 

During Wellbeing Week the Year Two Students discussed that we all have the right to feel safe. We identified the five trusted adults that we can count on and talked about body safety. The students were asked to give examples of when they feel safe and when they have felt unsafe. It was a lovely session with excellent discussion.