Respect, Responsibility & Resilience

What's happening in our school?

An exciting development for our Wellbeing Team here at Swan Hill North Primary School is the introduction of our Wellbeing Dog 'North' onsite. Every Tuesday and Thursday, North has been slowly getting used to the routine of his 'working day' while at school. In this initial phase of his time here at school, our focus is very much on helping North feel comfortable and safe in a school environment where there are a lot of new sounds and sights that he doesn't encounter while at home. 


North has been spending his morning greeting students at the school gate before moving around for a walkthrough each class so that he becomes familiar with each classroom setting. He spends some down time in the Wellbeing Office before being taken out the back for toilet and exercise breaks. 


He then spends time in Miss Kelly's and Mr Quirk's classroom as they are staff who have taken part in the Dogs Connect training. 


We have already noticed what a positive impact North's presence has on students. North brings a calm presence to each space he is in and students meet him with the same calm nature when he is in the room. 


A huge thank you to Miss Kelly who is North's primary care giver and is leading our core group of teachers who are involved in the Dogs Connect program.