Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

Crazy Hair Day! 

A group of students in Fisher have been working collaboratively with Student Ambassadors to organise 'Crazy Hair Day'. The event will take place on Friday 1st September. Please bring a gold coin donation on the day if you are participating, Students wanted to provide the donations to the South Australian Royal Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). We look forward to seeing many cool hairstyles on the day! 


Recess and Lunchtime Activities 

To continue to support student well-being at recess and lunchtime the following activities are available to students during term 3: 


Active Lunch in the gym: Mondays lunchtime - Early Years, Wednesdays lunchtime - Torrens, Fridays lunchtime - Fisher

Art Club at Early Years Gazebo: Thursdays Recess Time for students in years R-6 

Outdoor play on the Mellor Deck Area near M5: Tuesdays Recess Time for students in R-2

Card/board game Club in the library: Thursdays at lunchtime


If your children are interested in any of these activities/clubs, please encourage them to attend. 

July Aussies of the Month

Congratulations to our July Aussies of the Month! Our Aussie of the Month Awards recognise students who 'live and breathe' the LNPS school values: CARE & CONCERN, RESPECT, HONESTY and PURSUIT of EXCELLENCE. Please read further to find out who the June Aussies of the Month are and what their teachers had to say about them. 


Leon has been developing his skills and confidence as a role model in Rowell by demonstrating the LNPS school values. He shows maturity in all situations and respects all adults and peers. Leon works hard, takes on challenges and is willing to have a go in all areas of learning.

 Keep aiming high Leon!

Ms Brook


Mark has come so far in his confidence and character since being in Torrens. His sense of humour and entertaining personality consistently brings laughter and joy to our classroom. Mark is an outstanding learner that always strives for his personal best. He shows our school values every day in and outside of the classroom. I am very proud of how you have grown in the last two years, Mark. You are so deserving of this award. Keep being you!

Miss Bruorton



Nick has made fantastic progress this year, particularly in successfully completing High Flyers for Semester One and achieving his Learner Quality goal. He consistently demonstrates all four of our LNPS school values throughout his daily interactions with peers and teachers, and always aims high. I am extremely proud of his efforts, level of engagement and participation in all learning areas. His confidence has grown immensely over the past three terms which has been fantastic to witness, and I feel very proud of all that he has achieved. Nick, what a fantastic achievement in your senior year. Keep aiming high and make the most of your final semester at LNPS!

Miss Rachael