Graduate Speeches

Seniors Traditions - Graduate Speeches
Way back in 2009, we began multiple initiatives, which have since become LNPS traditions. Amongst many things, they include High Flyers as a portfolio of evidence of possessing learner qualities and our Seniors Graduate Speeches.
For our senior students to be able to stand before audiences that can number 600 at times and reflect on their 7 years of primary schooling, it is both a challenge and a right of passage. Family members and R-6 staff alike frequently take great pride in the exhibition of maturity, bravery and depth of thought by our students.
For those of you who do not have the opportunity to attend our assemblies, we’d like to share an example of a Lockleys North Graduate Speech. Hallie Andrew-Thring is one of our 2023 graduates who has attended our school since Reception and is an outstanding example of the empowered learners we are all working to support.
Hallie Andrew-Thring - Graduate Speech
Hello parents, students, teachers and staff. For those who don’t know me, I am Hallie Andrew-Thring and I am one of the 70 seniors graduating this year. I am in F14 with my teachers Miss Amy and Miss Maddy. I live in a family of four including me, my mum Toni, my dad Mick and my older sister Tayla who left this school at the end of year six and is now in year nine.
The people I am grateful for are my parents because they help me through tough challenges and they work hard every day to look after our family. I am also grateful for my friends at LNPS who are so kind and supportive. They are Jemma, Clara, Charlotte, Arly, Zahra, Audrey and many more.
At LNPS, many teachers have helped me through my years here. Thank you to Mrs McCulloch and Mrs Atkinson for welcoming me to the school and teaching me how to read and count, Miss Kite for teaching me how to be creative (and she had to put up with me for two years), Mr J who made me laugh too much and supported me through my work, Miss Moore for teaching me that mistakes are an important part of learning and being a great teacher. Finally, Miss Amy - she is someone I know I can also go to talk to, she is so supportive and kind and also Miss Maddy, who is really funny and she pushes me to do my best.
My contributions to this school have been waste management crew and library monitors in term one and paper recycling and green caddy bins for term 2. Myself and a few girls also put together a Mother's Day stall at the start of this term. I am also one of F14’s Student Ambassadors.
Some memories I have made during my time at LNPS are all of the camps I’ve been on, including year 3 camp to Woodhouse, year 4 camp to Port Hughes, year 5 camp to Normanville and this year's camp to the Yorke Peninsula. This year's camp was the most memorable because we were setting the tents up in the rain, and my friend's tent went flying. Someone who I am not going to name was holding the tent in her hand and she was kind of freaking out - you know who you are! I have also enjoyed all of the sports days and colour fun runs, even though Malurus hasn’t won for a while, hopefully, this will be our year.
I have been in the knockout netball team this year and last year, which was very enjoyable. I also played in the knockout footy team and Crows Cup this year and last year.
My favourite hobbies include dancing, singing, acting, and hanging out with my friends. When I am older I would like to be a triple threat who is a singer, actor and dancer all together, but if that doesn't work out I would like to be a dance teacher or an agent or director. Next year I will be attending Nazareth Catholic College with a few of my friends.
Finally, my advice to future graduates is to stay calm even though it might be stressful along the way. In the end, it will all be worth it.