School News

Week 4 Update
Term 3 is going very smoothly and it is very busy across the school at the moment. Students and teachers have been working on documentation for Learning Conferences which began this week and also beginning preparations for Book Week. As usual, the staff are really looking forward to the Book Week Parade. Who will have the best costume this year? We are also looking forward to seeing our student's creative costumes. Please see further into the newsletter for information about Book Week.
This morning I had the pleasure of attending the official opening of the Lockleys and District War Memorial at Mellor Park with 4 of our Seniors. It was a privilege for us to attend on behalf of the LNPS community and connect with such an important memorial. Our students represent LNPS to an exceptional level and demonstrated all our school values. We meet Mayor Michael Coxon along with many other dignitaries and a number of former scholars from the 1960s. Highlights from the event included:
Clara: My favourite highlight was when they said how many people from each suburb were in the wars. I found that really interesting because they were a lot of people. I also liked the morning tea, especially the brownies/chocolate cake, which was my favourite morning tea.
Jack: My highlight was when the Australian soldiers marched down the walkway and into attention as that is war-related and as I am going into the airforce next year.
Daniel: My favourite highlight in the memorial walk was when we had to stand up and let the soldiers walk by and when they were talking about World War 1 and what kind of soldiers were involved.
Airlie: My highlight was when we had our morning tea because there were many great snacks and food and it was great learning about the past and about all the people who fought in the wars. It was also cool to learn about all the people who were from different places who were very important people.
We are now hopeful that the West Torrens Council will hold a Dawn Service at the Memorial in 2024 where we could have significant involvement.
The students are also interested in researching for soldiers that attend LNPS and possibly having a school-based acknowledgement. A great initiative that is student-driven.
Parent Survey
Reminder: the parent survey closes at midnight on Sunday 27th August
The parent survey is a great opportunity to get valuable insights into parent engagement at LNPS.
Across South Australia, we have had over 12 838 parents respond to the survey - including 42 responses at LNPS. We
Community Night
Empowered Learners at LNPS
Wednesday 20th September from 5pm to 6:30pm.
We are excited to welcome families back into our learning spaces and showcase the learning that has occurred.
This year has had a strong focus on the development of our Learner Qualities, and explicit teaching of our Aiming High expectations which are aligned to our School Values.
Teachers are planning the event in the coming weeks, so watch this space for more detailed information.
The annual Community Event POSTER COMPETITION is back!
Tyson and Mirjana