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Canberra Study Tour

Within the school holidays, from 10-13 July, members of the Year 12 History Class went on a 3-day study tour to Canberra. The trip consisted of visits to some of Australia’s greatest landmarks. The program was designed to promote knowledge and understanding of our country’s democratic heritage, its political and legal institutions and our shared values as part of our Civics and Citizenship education. As many of us had never been to Canberra before, we relished the chance to visit our national capital and to learn more. 


The tour was extremely fun and enriching. It was so nice to bond with classmates as we experienced Canberra together. Every day was spent learning about some important aspect of our country’s history, government and legal system. It was special that we were able to visit Government House and sit in the Cabinet Room in Old Parliament House. The re-enactment of the 1975 Gough Whitlam Dismissal was entertaining as it mixed education along with a fun experience (especially Mr Thiele’s Gough Whitlam impression)!


The guided tours we had at the Australian War Memorial, Parliament House, National Archives and High Court were engaging. Two members of our group were given the unforgettable honour of laying the wreath on behalf of the Endeavour community during the Last Post ceremony at the War Memorial.  We were very lucky to enjoy beautiful weather in Canberra and the chance to take part in activities during our ‘down time’ like ten pin bowling. To conclude our tour, we visited the Royal Australian Mint where we explored the history and evolution of Australia's currency. 


The many things we got to see and learn about provided us with a newfound and rich understanding of our country’s capital and what it has to offer. We are so grateful for the opportunity to participate in this study trip. The things we learned and the memories we have made will never be forgotten. 


We would like to recognise the Australian Government for their encouragement of young Australians to visit the national capital as part of our Civics and Citizenship education. To assist our families in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government generously contributed funding of $90.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) program. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.


Our sincere thanks to Mr Thiele who organised an excellent itinerary for the group, and to Ms de Lacy for accompanying us. We also appreciated the College Principal, Mr Baird, joining our group for a couple of days. We hope that future Year 12 History students can be given this wonderful opportunity.

Year 12 History Class 

Canberra Tour Participants

Year 12 Retreat

Year 12 Retreat gave us our last school camp experience, filled with many laughs, challenges, tears and everlasting memories. Our retreat experience included a morning spent at school hearing from old scholars and universities, pondering where life will take us next. 

Followed by a few hours in the city before heading to Mylor Baptist Camp where we faced activities to challenge us such as the giant swing, high ropes, leap of faith and archery tag. 


We had some amazing guest speakers who spoke on a range of topics, our last reflection time with our Voyage classes, some solo time to reflect on our time at Endeavour, a quiz night, an Endeavour Way walk and time to bond and cherish memories as the class of 2023. Our time together is coming to an end and our lives may lead us different ways before we know it. 


We are extremely grateful for tireless efforts of Mr Wooldridge and Eve as well as all other staff that made this an incredible experience for all of us. 

Isabella Marafioti 

Year 12 Student

Spiritual and Community Building Student Leader

Swimming Carnival

The 2023 Swimming Carnival has concluded victoriously. Originally scheduled for Term 1, the event had to be delayed due to scorching weather conditions and limited venue availability. Nonetheless, the College eagerly gathered at the North Adelaide Aquatic Centre Tuesday this week for an enjoyable day filled with amusement, camaraderie, banter, and fierce competition.

The day's highlights included the mesmerizing Splash Dance and the fiercely contested Team Games, where different Villages showcased their exceptional community spirit and pride. The races were nothing short of extraordinary, with our aquatic athletes demonstrating remarkable skill and prowess in the pool.

Congratulations are in order for the exceptional achievements of the Year level Champions listed below. 


Litchfield emerged as the overall champion, claiming the highly coveted shield. Meanwhile, Spence was honored with the Spirit Award for exemplifying the best sense of community.


Anticipation is high for next year's carnival, promising an even grander and more thrilling event. Special gratitude goes to the dedicated staff members whose outstanding contributions played a crucial role in the carnival's success. Additionally, our heartfelt appreciation goes to Ms Lauren Dutton and Ms Alicia Botten for their impeccable coordination and organisation of the entire event.

2023 Individual Champions

7James Kumela19Heysen
7Scarlett Nuske29Florey
8Ranbir Gill25Mitchell
8Mikayla Carr38Mitchell
9Quintin Phan30Mackillop
9Lilly Kumela40Heysen
10Archie Kretschmer30Mawson
10Bridget Hanson40Kavel
11Austin Gillard40Kavel
11Hayley Fechner40Florey
12Jaxon Barr39Mackillop
12Stephanie Hanson40Kavel

2023 Village Champions

PlaceVillage Score

Scott Charlton

Sports Coordinator