Spotlight on Learning

Early Stage 1

KR has had a bustling start to Term 3 with an array of events, including Education Week, their 100 days of school celebration, a thrilling athletics carnival and their very first excursion!  

Our 100 days of school celebration marked a wonderful testament to their early achievements and growth since the first day of school. With excitement and laughter, students donned creative outfits, imagining themselves as 100-year-olds. Partnered with their Year 6 buddies, they crafted crowns and engaged in various activities, such as counting collections of 100 and participating in games centered around the number 100. The day not only showcased their progress but also ignited a sense of accomplishment and enthusiasm for the countless possibilities that lie ahead in their learning journey.  

Our Kindergarten stars took centre stage at the much-anticipated K-2 Athletics Carnival, showcasing their skills and beaming with joy on a day filled with exciting races and tabloid activities. The weather couldn't have been more perfect for a day of active fun and friendly competition. From the thrilling running races to the hilarious sack race and the delightful jellybean race, our little athletes gave it their all, sprinting and hopping towards victory with sheer determination. Not to be outdone, our parents and teachers joined in the action, getting into the athletic spirit for a series of spirited races, adding a touch of friendly competition to the carnival atmosphere. Thank you to all our parent helpers who helped the day run smoothly!  

Kindergarten’s very first excursion to Calmsley Hill Farm provided invaluable experiences for our students as they made connections to living things and their information report writing knowledge. Kindergarten students milked a cow, witnessed sheep shearing, and marvelled at working dogs herding sheep. They also enjoyed a stock whip demonstration and spent time with adorable farm animals, creating cherished memories. A special thank you to Mrs Jia and our parent helpers, Renee and Mel, who went above and beyond to help make the day such a success!  

Miss Rajakariar - Kindergarten Classroom Teacher and Rel. Assistant Principal  

Stage 2

4B have eagerly jumped right back into learning this term! In mathematics, students have been investigating chance. We have been exploring the possibility of different events occurring by describing whether certain events are likely, unlikely or have an even chance of happening, as well as participating in various hands-on activities, such as rolling dice and flipping coins. 

In writing, students have been working on writing fantastic recounts about all the fun activities and races they participated in at our Athletics Carnival last Tuesday. Students focused on including paragraphs, using the past tense, using time connectives, and including their opinion in their writing. 

In technology, 4B students have been excited to jump right back into their sessions with Mr Wright. This term, students are exploring living things in two engaging virtual worlds – ‘Biomes’ and ‘Koalas’. They investigated all the different world biomes and navigated the world, matching animals with the biomes they live in. Students also explored a Koala Sanctuary, looking for the koalas hiding within the world and identifying their needs. 4B are thoroughly looking forward to our next fortnightly session.  

Miss Betty – 4B Classroom Teacher

Stage 3

It was a big week for Stage 3 with open classrooms and performances during Education Week, Athletics Carnival, PASS Program and Ultimate Frisbee. Thank you parents for coming in and participating in a lesson with your child. Students have taken great enjoyment in all the fun activities and are looking forward to our upcoming Stage 3 Great Aussie Bush Camp. 


We were thrilled to hold the highly anticipated Years 3-6 Athletics Carnival that took place at our school grounds last Tuesday. The event showcased incredible sportsmanship, enthusiasm, and talent displayed by our students. The day was jam packed – filled with cheers and excitement as students proudly participated in their house colours, showcasing their team spirit.


Throughout the carnival, students took part in a wide range of track and field events, including 100m and 200m sprints, long jump, shot put, high jump and relays. The air was electric with cheers from classmates, teachers, and parents, as competitors gave their all in each event, demonstrating their determination. It was heart-warming to witness the supportive atmosphere, where students encouraged and congratulated each other, regardless of the outcomes.


A massive thank you to all the parent helpers, families and teachers, as this day would not have been possible without them.

Mr Yu - 6Y Classroom Teacher