
Canteen Roster
  24Simone J25Julia & Libby
30Hiranya & 1 helper needed311 helper needed  
    1Jo & Julia
62 helpers needed71 helper needed8Karl & Julia

Footy Lunch Packs

No other lunches available on day

6 helpers needed

14Bec L15Canteen closed
  • URGENT: Helpers needed next Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st!!
  • A huge thanks to all those carers who have helped so far especially those at short notice
  • Only a few more weeks til end of term and just a few more volunteers are needed
  • Anticipating over 300 orders on Footy Day so 6 helpers would be ideal
  • Cutoff for footy lunches is Thursday 7th September 12pm
  • Please contact me ASAP on 0411558557 should you be free to help

Canteen Manager

Jenni Rossi