
Term Three Inquiry will see our children exploring the question “How Might you Communicate with Others” They will learn different forms of communication such as art works, images, music, dance, body language and drama. Our students will also explore and research other cultural traditions and stories. They will then learn to present those stories with the aim to promote Interculturalism in GWPS. It is essential for our learners to build healthy connectionswith one another in relation to other cultures and respect these relationships to maintain a sense of belonging within our community. Throughout this term, they will be explicitly taught the skills in Media Arts and Intercultural Capability.   


To support your child at home, you might find the following tasks helpful:  


  • Discuss methods of communication used within your culture with your child. 
  • Utilise both verbal and non-verbal communication at home. 
  • Have conversations about the importance and stories behind cultural dances.  

 Key Vocabulary to support your child’s success in Inquiry: 


  • Communication  
  • Verbal/ non-verbal communication 
  • Express 
  • Elements  
  • Characteristics  
  • Influence