Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

Focus of the Week

Week 5 - We Are Respectful When We Gather As A School: Over the last few weeks we have had some great opportunities for our students to have visitors to our school (Dance Fuse) and also visit others in our community (James Sheahan, local excursions, Dio Athletics' carnival).  During that time we have been very conscious of how we conduct ourselves while representing our school.  We are proud to be McAuley students and our attitude and behaviours reflect that.  Each time we gather as a school, we expect our students will act with respect towards each other and our environment.  


Week 6 - We look after our Environment Responsibly:  This week we began a focus on our School Environment.  Taking responsibility for the care of our school environment means addressing the little things.  Taking care to put rubbish in the bin and making sure the lid is closed so it doesn't blow out.  Using lunchboxes and reusable wrappers to cut down on what has to go into landfill, taking the time to seperate rubbish so that we put each item in the correctly coloured bin.  All these little things can add up to our contribution to a much bigger picture.  Our world needs us to care for it in every way, and each 

small contribution makes a big difference.  


Dio Athletics' Carnival:  Congratulations to all who participated in the Dio Carnvial last Friday.  A very special 'thank you' to Mrs Row Livingstone who was the Convenor and responsible for all the behind the scenes work.  Mrs Livingstone, along with Ms Jo Flynn and Mrs Shannon Cain led the troops to a very successful carnival.  Well done to all our participants!

Book Week:  Congratulations to Mrs Garnon on all her efforts to make Book Week once again a wonderful celebration!  Thank you to all those who dressed up yesterday, you all looked fantastic!  Thank you also to all the parents and families who came along to share Recess with our children.  It was so lovely to have you on the grounds.  Well done everyone!!


Out and About:  We have been involved in a lot of different activities over the past few weeks where our students have represented McAuley, and we are very proud of their efforts.  Year 3 & 4 visited the Function Centre to participate in "Praise and Worship" with the amazing Gospel group "Emmanual Worship",  some of our Year 5 students went over to Kinross to participate in the inaugural Debating Competition with Kinross students, yesterday our Netball girls, Mrs Pellow and Miss Van Kenemade travelled to Penrith to participate in the Schools Cup Netball Carnival and our Year 3 are off to the Museum and Library this Friday.  We are very grateful to have these wonderful opportunities to connect with different community interests, and this brings wonderful educational value to each child.  Thank you to all the teachers who spend a lot of their own time preparing these excursions in order to give our students the best possible experiences.


Please Don’t forget to wear your coat!!  The weather has been so unpredictable of late, hot one day and freezing the next!  On these bleak days, please make sure you send a coat with your children, and please make sure that all coats and other items such as jumpers, jackets, gloves, beanies etc have been labelled in case they are lost.  


Have a wonderful week,

Robyn Petty