Principal's Page

Jo Flynn

On the 15th of August we celebrate The Assumption of Mary. The Assumption commemorates the belief that when Mary died, rather than going through the natural process of physical decay on Earth, both her soul and body were taken to Heaven, to be with her Son, Jesus.  In 1950, Pope Pius XII declared the Assumption of Mary official dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Church teaches that the Virgin Mary "having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory."


Let us Pray:

Hail holy Queen, Mother of mercy, 

hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. 

To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: 

to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. 

Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, 

O merciful, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! 



Book week

This week is book week. During this week we celebrate all books and what they bring to our lives. A highlight of book week always is the creative way students and staff engage with their favourite characters in books by dressing up in a way to represent these characters. Yesterday we had many Harry Potters and Hermiones, lots of Oompa Loompas, plenty of princesses including Princess Leia, fabulous Queens of Hearts and characters from Alice in Wonderland, Matilda, Wally's, Pikachus, Cats in hats, and a lot of Things to name a few. We really appreciate the efforts parents went to to participate in this event. It was wonderful to be able to welcome parents to visit us at recess time and spend  recess with their children. 

A huge 'Thank You' to Mrs Garnon for organising this event. Mrs Garnon also organised a livestream book week show for both Primary and Infants classes which everyone enjoyed. it was called Way too Cool by perform education.


Social Justice Sunday

Social Justice Sunday will be celebrated on 27th August 2023 and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference have released the 2023-24 Social Justice Statement. Entitled 'Listen, Love, Learn: A New Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples', the Statement aims to help Catholics understand that the Church's social teachings and action are not just theoretical and academic, but rather about hearing what God is saying to us about justice, by being with our sisters and brothers on the peripheries of society. Linked below are the ACBC media release and a copy of the Statement.


2023-24 Social Justice Statement - Listen Learn Love - FINAL.pdf

Bishops' statement calls for 'new engagement' with First Peoples.docx


Cathedral Appeal

The Bathurst Parish Finance Committee has launched an Appeal to raise funds to help pay for the restoration of the Cathedral. The Appeal will run until October 30th and we ask you to support us by purchasing a $5 ticket in our raffle. 


Warm Regards,

Jo Flynn