School News

Mr Irwin's Message


Hello families and welcome to this week’s newsletter.

Parent Opinion Survey


Our Parent Opinion Survey is now open and we would love all families to complete this. It provides valuable feedback to us and helps us review school operations to ensure they are meeting the needs of the community.


To log in to take the survey, simply go to the School Portal by either clicking on the link below, or copying and pasting the text into your browser:


All parents/caregivers/guardians use the same six-digit PIN, which will be emailed to families separately to the newsletter so as to not be made public and remain available only to currently enrolled families. Responses are confidential for this survey. 


We greatly appreciate families completing this survey and providing us with valuable feedback. This feedback forms part of our strategic decision making as a School Improvement Team. 




At Student Led Conferences students were provided with their NAPLAN results from Term 1 this year. People have differing views regarding NAPLAN and it’s importance and I wanted to share mine with you. For individual students NAPLAN is a one off test that doesn’t account for many skills and talents students have or even for the simple fact that a student may simply have a good day or a bad day on a test day that impacts their results positively or negatively. Test taking is an important skill to develop and we encourage all students to do their best, however the greater value we get from NAPLAN is looking at how our teaching has fared in relation to our overall cohorts of students.


As a cohort our students have done a terrific job in all curriculum areas. We were particularly proud of their achievements in Reading and Writing however which had us achieving ahead similar schools. Our improvement particularly in writing is a reflection of the skills students have in this area. Developing students' skills in writing has been a focus of the past 12 months of professional learning as a staff. So whilst there is far more to learning than one standardised test for our students, it was great to see the improvement and success from our cohorts of students.


Have a great week bye for now!

OSH News

Healthy Lunch Box Choices and Nude Food

Please help reduce waste in our school by packing 'Nude Food' (food without excess packaging) and whole foods or unprocessed foods in your child's lunch box.  Click here for further resources and 'Healthy Lunch Box' suggestions or to download the Pick and Mix poster for the fridge!