From the Principal 

Welcome to Week 3 of Term 3


Please be aware that we will be transitioning to a new Newsletter format.   As of week 7, the Newsletter will be circulated via our website.  


Please adhere to the parking signage around the school. The council has been doing regular patrols with many vehicles being fined for not adhering to the signage and double parking.  Whilst a fine is a burden, a child being injured due to illegal activity is something no-one wants to be the cause of. 


Congratulations to our Cross Country Team who participated in today's Catholic Schools' Competition. The students have been training under the guidance of Mrs Marino and Miss Wood. The dedicated team had been gathering early on a Wednesday morning in preparation for today's event. All the girls and boys did a great job and managed to complete the challenging course through the parklands. A special mention to Imogen Cambourn, Maddy  Molina and Alessandro Vial who finished in the top 10 for their races. The event attracts hundreds of catholic school students from across the state, making it the biggest one day event on the catholic schools' calendar. 


As many have commented on, the capital works are continuing to progress well. The Administration Building is glassed in, with the brickwork nearly complete. Internally, much of the service work is well underway and gyprock covers the majority of the walls. The new toilet block is close to the concrete pour. The staff car park work has commenced, with area being cleared and levelled. The new Administration should be "open for business" at the end of October.


Thank you to the year 2 classes who led us in today's Assembly. It was great to see and hear about the wonderful activities that are taking place in their learning areas. Thanks to Fr Selva who blessed new crosses for the learning areas.


I encourage all those who can, to come along to next week's Cyber safety Information session. Supporting our children as they navigate the Cyber World is a challenging task for all parents. Sessions such as the one on offer, presents information and support strategies to assist families.  Further information is available in the Community Group section.


The 2023 NAPLAN results are available for parents to view.  The results are being sent home with children in Years 3 and 5 today, Thursday 10th August.  Please ask your child for the envelope and ensure you have a copy of the results.  If you have any questions please contact your child's classroom teacher.


Sean Hill
