Around the Primary Classes

Outside School Hours Care
MCC July Holiday program was fantastic fun!
The children were enthusiastically engaged in lots of our provided activities even expanding them into other parts of their play.
This was shown through our Tinkering day and Christmas in July Day with building animals out of blocks and decorating not one, but two, Christmas trees!
Our excursions were a massive hit with the children, many of whom had not been to these places around Hobart before.
Our most popular destination being Rock Climbing, I was pleased to see so many of the children having a try and persevering until they made it up the wall.
Thank you so much to all the families who joined us and to all my colleagues for making this a wonderful experience for the children.
Sabrina Slyp - Lead Educator OSHC
This week Prep and Kinder had a lovely time together creating their own Princess Puppets. We began by reading a fairytale and describing the Princess character. The students then had an opportunity to use their imaginations to create their own Princess puppet. The students used a range of materials to make their Princesses and they all turned out uniquely beautiful. Once their puppets were made the students had the opportunity to build them a castle and use their drama skills to create situations and stories of their own using their puppets. Prep and Kinders enjoyed working together and the experience of creating their own characters.
Year 2
Students in Year 2 have been working on a new poetry unit. They have written a list poem in response to an image taken with iPads of something that inspired them outside. After writing, they performed their poems to a peer using various aspects of drama performance such as voice, tension, and time.
Year 4
This term, in Year 4, students are learning that Jesus’ loving example informs the choices and guides the actions of those who follow him. In our Religious Education lessons, students have been exploring the idea that through God’s love, every person has the gifts of life, body, mind, spirit and free will. They have been considering the gifts given to them and how they can use these gifts to make loving choices.
Year 5 Navy
Who knew Maths could be so much fun?
Last week the students in 5 Navy learnt about life before plastic cards. What does Australian currency, the coins and notes, actually look like? How many different coins add up to a dollar? How do we count money and give out change, without calculators?
The girls created items to sell and placed pop-up stalls around the classroom. Armed with a fist full of coins they had to work out what their money could buy and how much change they would have after each purchase. It was game on, to see who could entice the most customers. Kaching! Kaching! The cash registers filled up fast. Bubble Tea at $110 edged in front of Red Panda Japanese at $91.
Visiting Author
Our Year 3 - 6 students had a delightful time last Friday when their day started with an entertaining presentation by visiting author, Martin Chatterton and his wife, Annie.
Martin is an accomplished author of children's and adult books and screenplays for TV and Film. His artistic prowess is evident in the illustration of over a hundred books written by various authors.
The action-packed, fun-filled experience brightened our day, filled us all with laughter and inspired us to share our unique talents.