A Word from the Principal

Megan Richardson

 Dear Father, 
Help me to live your goodness and kindness each day. 
Remind me that my actions express who I am even more than my words. 
May I love as you love. 
Let me be good to those who wish me harm, forgive those who need forgiveness, and reach out in kindness to all I meet so they can experience the unconditional love of God.



Over the past month I have been teaching my Year 8 Theology and Spirituality class about the concept of ‘Pay it Forward’ as part of our ‘Be the Change you want to see in the World’ unit. 


"Pay It Forward" is more than just a phrase; it's a way of living that involves performing acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. The idea is to create a chain reaction of positivity, where each person who receives a kind gesture pays it forward by helping another person. This concept encourages us to see the potential for good in every action, no matter how small.


Imagine the ripple effect that occurs when a single act of kindness sets off a chain of events that brighten someone's day, encourage them to help another person, and so on. It's like a wave of positivity spreading across our school and community. From holding doors for others and helping a classmate with their studies to picking up litter around the campus, the possibilities for "Paying It Forward" are endless.


At Mount Carmel College, we believe in nurturing not only academic excellence but also the values that shape us into compassionate and responsible citizens. Incorporating the "Pay It Forward" philosophy into our lives aligns perfectly with this mission. By encouraging students to embrace empathy and selflessness, we can create a supportive and uplifting environment where everyone benefits.


To kickstart this movement within our school, we invite all students and their families to participate in a "Pay It Forward" challenge. Over the next month, challenge yourself to perform at least one act of kindness each day. Whether it's leaving an uplifting note for a friend, helping a teacher with a task, or volunteering in the community, your actions have the potential to ignite a positive change.


Don't forget to share your experiences with us! We want to hear how you've been "Paying It Forward" and the impact it has had on your own outlook as well as those around you. Send us an email: info@mountcarmel.tas.edu.au By sharing your stories, you inspire others to join in and continue the cycle of kindness.


As we embark on this journey of giving, let's remember that every small act, no matter how seemingly insignificant, has the power to make a difference. 

Community Thank You

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Mount Carmel parent and family community for their dedication to working in partnership and working closely with our staff and students throughout the year. Working together to support learning and behaviour as well as celebrating successes is vital for a thriving College.  Working in partnership ensures we can all effectively communicate, share knowledge and expertise as well as focus on our priorities - every child. Examples of this have ranged from additional support for learning needs to working together in times of financial hardship, from support with uniform infringements to supporting health and wellbeing together.  Strong partnerships based on trust and honesty ensure we can support our students and each other as well as nurture our vibrant community.  

Learning Conferences

Thank you to all families who have been able to attend Learning Conferences at the College.  These are essential meetings that enable families and teachers to work together to support and extend student learning and wellbeing. If you have been requested to attend and have not been able to schedule a meeting, please contact relevant teachers to make a mutually convenient face-to-face or Zoom meeting.

Early Learning Centre

Enrolments are growing as we open our ELC space to three and four year old boys and girls in the year before they commence Kindergarten. Staff are almost finalised and a beautiful space will be prepared for ready for commencement on 16 October. Please contact the College Office for an enrolment pack if you are interested or spread the word.