God our Father, hear our prayers for a truly fruitful Lent. May our efforts in prayer and our deeds of mercy lead us to renewal, reconciliation and Easter Joy. Through Christ our Lord.


We pray ...

We pray for... our school community as we begin our journey through Lent, and for those affected by Wednesday's storm.


We thank Fr Paul for the opportunity of Year 6 attending Reconciliation on Wednesday.


Next Wednesday students from Year 5 will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation.


Stations of the Cross

Tomorrow afternoon (26th February) St Nicholas School staff will lead the Stations of the Cross at St Nicholas Church. This act of faith will begin at 5.30pm and run for approximately 30 minutes. Students and their families are more than welcome to join us.


Each year our school community supports the works of Caritas through Project Compassion. Project Compassion is Caritas Australia's annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Millions of Australians come together in solidarity with the world's poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. This year's theme is 'Aspire not to have more, but to be more' (Saint Oscar Romero). Last week each family received a small Project Compassion box to keep in their home during Lent. We are particularly encouraged during Lent to give greater attention to those who might be in need. One way we are able to do this as a Catholic Community is by supporting Project Compassion over the next forty days of Lent by looking to make monetary contributions (big or small) to these boxes.


We are aware that some families maybe doing it tough therefore prayers for those in need and random acts of kindness that don't cost money can be just as good as a monetary contribution!


GREEN DAY- Celebrating St Patrick's Day

Our annual ‘Green Day’ will be held on Friday, 19th March. This will be a day where children may wear ‘green mufti clothes’ and participate in a variety of activities organised by our Year 6 students and staff. Students are asked to bring along a gold coin donation to receive a grid to be stamped as 'payment' for each activity undertaken. More details to follow in the coming weeks.


First Reconciliation - Year 3 - Wednesday 2nd June 2021

First Eucharist - Year 3 - Weekend of 5th/6th June 2021

Confirmation - Year 6 - Weekend of 11th/12th September 2021


For new students who are baptised Catholic and are in Year 3 and above beginning at St Nicholas in 2021, if there is a Sacrament that they have missed receiving please contact Mrs Dunst as soon as possible (rdunst@arm.catholic.edu.au).


ADVANCED NOTICE- First Reconciliation and

First Eucharist (Year 3 students)

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation and program will begin early in Term 2 for our students and parents in Year 3. This will include a Parent Information and Enrolment Session at St Nicholas Church on Wednesday 24th March at 5.30pm or a repeat session on Saturday 27th March at 2.00pm followed by an Enrolment Mass for all candidates on Sunday 28th March 9.30am. At least one parent is required to attend one of the Information Sessions. More details to follow.  


Catholic Education is celebrating 200 years in Australia, marking the bicentenary of the first Catholic school established in Parramatta in October 1820. The first Catholic school in Australia was founded in October 1820 by Irish Catholic priest Fr John Therry and run by convict and lay person George Marley. The school, which Catholic historians believe was in Hunter Street, Parramatta, taught 31 students. By 1833, there were 10 Catholic schools in the colony. 


The official launch of the celebrations will be held in the week commencing 22 – 26 February 2021 and will involve local state, territory and diocesan events.  A National Mass will also be celebrated in every state, territory and diocese on the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians on 24 May 2021. 

