To the St Nicholas School Community


Welcome to Week 5 Term 1, 2021.


Last night was a wonderful milestone for our school community as we welcomed all parents back onto the school grounds for the first time in nearly 12 months. As a school we are delighted to be in this position. We also look forward, with great anticipation, to the further loosening of restrictions, which have considerably affected annual events and the ability to connect with our families.


The severe thunderstorms which hit Tamworth yesterday afternoon prevented some of our parents attending the Information Night. My prayers are with those members of our school community who have endured considerable damage.


For those families, and others who were unable to attend, please find attached the presentations from last night.  Each grade also provided handouts, so please do not hesitate in contacting your child's teacher for a copy.


St Nicholas Swimming Carnival

An enormous congratulations to everyone involved in last week's carnival. COVID restrictions prevented St Nicholas from running this carnival in the traditional format, though did not dampen any enthusiasm, effort or sportsmanship.


Please keep an eye out tomorrow for a short video of highlights from this great day.


The very best of luck to the St Nicholas Swimming Team who will compete at the Diocesan Carnival tomorrow.


Thank you to Mrs Belinda Tyrrell for all your work in coordinating our school carnival. 


Morning Access

A reminder, as has been articulated in the school newsletter since the start of the year, from Monday (1st March) the school gates will not open until the arrival of the first bus at approximately 8.10am. 


For those families interested in before school care, please contact the front office for further information.


Have a wonderful week


John Clery