Teaching and Learning

We're back!

We have hit the ground running this week, with all of our regularly planned and scheduled learning experiences happening across the school. Connect-Ed is back on track this week, with Reading being the focus for the next fortnight. This unique parent program continues to offer excellent strategies and support to understand how learning works best in both Literacy and Numeracy and how we can best support learning at home.

Incursions are happening this week to support our learning focus in Integrated Studies for the Year 3-6 team and our Foundation children are meeting with their teachers to engage in assessment to pinpoint their next steps in learning across the Literacy and Numeracy Curriculum.

Reading at Home

Classroom Teachers have been delighted to see the commitment to reading at home by students across the school F-6. We know that daily reading at home supports the development of vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and engagement as a reader and can be a predictor of learning success in the later years. 

Students across the year levels have access to a collaboratively established classroom library for reading  in the classroom throughout the day. For home reading, all of our students have a collection of books in their classroom to select from to take a book home, they now have access to Wushka and Reading Eggs to supplement home reading. Our students are also encouraged to access books from their home library that they enjoy reading as well. Lots of options to support our children to develop a love of reading through the establishment of a regular reading routine.

If you have any questions as to how you can further support your child, or the routines and expectations in  your child's classroom please speak to the classroom teacher.