Harmony Week

Harmony Day Celebration - Wednesday 17th of March

Harmony Week is a  celebration where we take time to celebrate the Australian values of respect, equality and freedom, to look beyond our own cultures and to appreciate what makes Australia such a great place to live.  Throughout the week each team will look at what it means to be inclusive of others so that everyone can have a sense of belonging.


This message is one that we intentionally acknowledge and celebrate daily however it is important to highlight the national week of celebration.  


This year we have chosen to have our big celebration day on the Wednesday.  We have been able to celebrate Chinese New Year and Crazy Hair Day on a Thursday and Friday so wanted to offer this event to another group of children.  The Orange and Blue Teams will be heading to Worship on Wednesday so please arrive at 8:30am if you wish for your child to attend.


On this day, we ask families to send their child to Curiosity in something orange or in traditional dress.  The children will be working on a short song to share with you via Storypark around celebrating our differences.


If you are interested in joining in with any local celebrations, please feel free to see what Salisbury Council have planned.

