Mission to Mars 

On 30 March, a group of Year 7 and 8 students attended an excursion at VSSEC.


"The students worked as a team to use their problem-solving skills to successfully complete a geological survey of the Mars surface. The students wore specially-designed spacesuits and acted as astronauts, mission controllers and research scientists. Mission Control officers communicate via radio to the astronauts on the surface, and are responsible for their safety and the success of the scientific mission.

  • Astronauts collect their equipment, de-pressurise in the airlock, and step out onto the Martian surface to collect real soil and rock samples, drill an ice core, conduct a thermal survey and measure seismic activity.
  • After returning to earth, students analyse their samples and undertake further scientific investigations in the laboratory." (VSSEC website https://www.vssec.vic.edu.au/mission-to-mars/)