Community News, Birthdays, Awards & More

Please scroll to the bottom of this page as there is lots of useful news on this page. 

A very happy happy birthday to:

Oscar W

Hope you enjoy your special day!!!

Gardening Helpers Please!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations and well done 

to the following students:


Foundation HL


For trying to always use her manners.


Foundation WL

Ben S

For being a polite and helpful class member.




For beginning each day with a positive attitude.


Leo S

For showing resilience when things didn't go his way.



Sebastian M

For always being ready to learn and sharing his ideas.



For always having a great attitude to her learning.




Flor always taking on challenges with positivity!



Samuel M

For showing leadership by standing up for others in his classroom.


Owen W

For having a go and believing in yourself.




                         For always trying your best in class and being a great role model.                                  



For being a kind, well mannered and friendly class mate!



Our Fire Carrier Leaders

Congratulations to our new Fire Carrier Leaders Emily, Hazel, Sia and Sienna.

Zooper Doopers

We are selling Zooper Doopers every Friday till the end of the term. They are 60c each and will be given at 2nd break. Please send the correct money. All the money raised will be donated to a worthy cause.



Lunch Orders - Tuesday & Thursday only

Welcome to The Black Goose Cafe

They are our new supplier for school lunches.  We will be having lunch orders on Tuesday and Thursdays only. Please make sure to write on a brown paper bag with the correct money.





 Shop Hours

Tuesday 8.30 - 9.00am

Wednesday 3.00- 4.00pm

Thursday 8.30 - 9.00am


If you are unable to make it to these times you can email me your order at or send in an order with your child. I am more than happy to fit your child if you are unsure of their size. If you enclose payment I can deliver the order to your child via the red tub.

JPC Cyber Safety Event

Find your registration forrm here



A reminder that Playgroup runs every Monday morning in the hall from 9-11am. Please bring a piece of fruit and a $2 donation. It is a great way to meet new parents and while giving the little ones a chance to have a play. No need to book just come along.




Moonlit Sanctuary

Moonlit Sanctuary is a Wildlife Conservation Park located in Pearcedale. It is a place where people can experience the rare and unusual animals that call Australia home.  We are committed to raising awareness and educating people about these wonderful creatures and the need for their conservation.

One of the educational programs we offer is our Keeper Club School Holiday Program. This is run by our Education Officers and offers children hands on experience with environmental activities, animal encounters and native animal care. They learn about our animals, their conservation and the environment, all with a focus on fun! 


Adult Literacy Classes

Seaford Hockey Club