Around Grade 1/2

Welcome to our first newsletter for 2021. We hope everyone had a wonderful break over the summer. We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you this year to ensure your child can achieve their highest potential. We recognise that in order to be successful, children need support both at school and at home. We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!


Calendar Dates:

8 March - Labour Day (no school)

1 April - Last day of Term 1 (2:30pm finish)

Key Learning Focus Areas:

SMART Spelling

Last year saw the introduction of SMART Spelling, which allows for a consistent approach to spelling from F-6. Students will bring home word lists to practice for homework and be tested on these weekly. Those students who are working towards mastering the reading of their Magic Words will continue to do so.

Reader's Workshop:

In Reader’s Workshop this term, we will focus on  what good readers do, as part of our “Start-Up” program. We will investigate and develop our decoding skills during Reader’s Workshop and focus on how to retell a story. 


Writer's Workshop:

In Writing this term, we will focus on the Writer’s Workshop procedures: planning, writing, revising, editing and publishing. Students will share their writing through the Author’s Chair. We will be exploring the structure and features of Recount Texts.


Speaking and Listening: 

In Speaking and Listening, we will be learning how to ask good questions, speak and project clearly and further develop our listening skills.



In Term 1, students will be learning about number patterns and place value as part of our number focus. We will also focus on 2D shapes, representing and interpreting data and time duration.



The first two weeks of this term, we have spent time getting to know one another, unpacked our school values and we created our classroom expectations through our ‘Start-Up’ program. For the remainder of the term, we will be learning about Communities.



Reading Eggs & Mathletics

Students will continue to use Reading Eggs and Mathletics at school but can also access these programs at home should they wish to do further reading or maths practice. Students have now been sent home with their logins. 


Students will need access to their own pair of headphones in the classroom. Please send a pair in with your child ASAP if you haven’t already.



It is an expectation that your child will read for 15 minutes daily and record this in their Home Reading Journal. In Grade 1 students will continue to practice their Magic Words and the Grade 2 students will practice their SMART words.


Term 1 is SunSmart! All students will need to wear their hats and Slip Slop Slap.

No hat, no play, no fun today! 


Volunteer Reading Program: 

We are looking for volunteers to read with our students this year. This will run between 3:00-3:30pm on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s. Thank you to everyone who has offered to assist with listening to the children read. Please see your child’s classroom teacher for a roster.


Class Representative: 

If you are interested in being the class rep for 1O, please let Jo at the office know.

The Grade 1/2 Teachers:

1O: Jessica O’Sullivan - 

2SB: Karen Sharland - 

        Sarah Bailey - 

2S - Russell Smith -