John XXIII Rowing Club

Year 8 Rowing Program

After a successful 'Learn to Row' last year, Year 8 students can now join the John XXIII College Rowing Club officially in Week 8 this term!  Both boys and girls will train together on Monday and Wednesday afternoons during Terms 1 and 2.  Students will develop their ability to row together in crews, with opportunity to race at the end of Term 2.


The cost for the program is $195 per child.  If you would like to register your child for the Year 8 Rowing program, please follow the link below.

Bunbury Regatta 20-21 March 2021

The South West Head of the River is fast approaching!! This Regatta is a wonderful culmination of the end of the boys summer rowing season and an exciting start for the girls rowing season. It is a highlight of the rowing year for all rowing families and a very successful regatta for our girls and boys.

Rowers and their families traditionally head down on Saturday for the Rowing Family Dinner and stay overnight in Bunbury.  So please book your accommodation soon. There are many accommodation options in Bunbury, but they are filling up fast so make your arrangements very soon.  Families from other schools also stay in Bunbury overnight.  


Register your rower and family online via the Link below.








Jerram Gibson

Rowing Coordinator