Kids Corner

Some of wonderful work

being done at home

Colour Wheel by Harry Morris PCB

Anzac Day Rafferty D PSS

Quote of the week by Alice PJC

Alice told her mum that she misses  Mrs Cracknell because she calls her darling.  She then proceeded to tell her mum "If you want me to do my work, you have to  call me darling".

Ciarra 1CS

Luca M 1CS

Marko 1CS

The following reading comprehension activities about making connections : Text to Self, Text too Text and Text to World.


George S 3ML


This is a photo of George S’s, great great Grandfather (Stanley R Goldsmith.) uniform displayed at the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance.

Ashley L  3ML



My great Grandfather was in World War 1 in the English navy.

He survived and was a war veteran. It makes me feel proud and every Anzac day I feel like he is there and think of him. I am not in a War but living in a Pandemic. During 1918 there was a Spanish flu pandemic and now I am in a COVID-19 pandemic.


There was a book ‘About Malala’. She was shot in the head by the soldiers because she wanted to go to school. Her country was at war.


There are Wars around the world such as Syria, Afghanistan and Turkey.

I am living though a pandemic and people are losing jobs and everyone's buying and shoving people, so it is basically War.  

Piper G 3ML

 Anzac Day 


 By Bella 4JP

By Patrick 4JP 

Kian 4JP

Tiggy 4JP

Character Feeling by Cessy 4JP 

Noughts & Crosses By Sophie 4JP

All work reproduced with permission of parents.