Environment and Sustainability 

Being Sustainable in the Garden

Hey St John's Community,

This is Marco from the Environmental Team. I just wanted to see how everyone was going at home with their remote learning. Here at the Vincitorio home we have been plunging into remote learning but also I have been keeping up with my sustainability at home.

We have been getting our garden ready for Winter and we have also been composting and using that good worm juice you can buy at St John's.


Here are some pictures from the Vincitorio family.😀 


Here are some tips to help you have a perfect garden!

Preparing your soil is key to having a good garden. This can be done by using old food scraps like apple cores and leftover fruit, vegetables and animal manure. Always water your garden and feed your garden regularly.


Hopefully your garden now will be able to provide you fresh fruit and vegetables.


Stay Safe,

From Marco

Environmental Team Leader