Science News

What's Happening In Science?
Year 11 Psychology
Are you a Super Taster?
A supertaster is an individual who experiences taste sensations intensely, they taste up to 2 - 3 times more intensely than other people. Super tasters are extremely sensitive to bitter tastes, highly aware of food flavours and textures and are more likely to feel pain when eating spicy foods. The Year 11 Psychology students tested each other to find out if they are supertasters by staining their tongue with food colouring and counting the number of papillae in that area.
Eye Dissection
The eye dissection was part of Unit 2 Psychology where students look at visual perception. Students looked at how the eye works and how messages get from the eye to the brain. During the eye dissection students were able to locate and examine each part of the eye that they had studied and relate the structure to function.
National Science Week (14-22 August, 2021)
Theme: Food – Different by Design
The Science Team are planning to celebrate Science Week – Food: Different By Design with a range of activities including planting the wattle seeds that have been to Space; quizzes, and activities in Home Group and at lunchtime.
Here are some ideas for doing some Science at home:
(These experiments are from the website Twinkl:
After School Events
Gippsland Tech School – Community Quiz Night
Are you looking for something to stimulate your grey matter? Are you ready to take your place as the ultimate trivia champion?
In light of COVID-19 and the Victorian Government’s restrictions around the mixing of student groups and hosting public events, we have had to cancel this year’s face-to-face National Science Week events for schools and the general public. Don’t worry though, we’ve still got it covered!
Following the success of last year’s inaugural event, we’ve decided to host our online community quiz again. This virtual trivia night is open to all ages and we encourage individuals, households and families to create a team and join in the fun.
The event will be held from 7pm – 8:30pm on Wednesday 18 August, so why not get your household together and join us for a night of fun, factual trivia for the whole family. There’s prizes to be won!
Visit: to register.
National Science Quiz
To participate in the National Science Quiz on Thursday the 19th of August, head to:
Get your family members together and have a go!
GTAC Incursion
On Thursday the 5th of August, 30 selected Year 7 and 8 students met in the Library to participate in an incursion run by GTAC (Gene Technology Access Centre). The incursion was all about developing a prototype for a prosthetic hand so someone could put a shoe on. Students went through the Design Process and using just icy pole sticks and masking tape came up with some models! The session will set students up for their upcoming excursion to GTAC where they will further explore medical robotics!
Students were active participants and put in a fabulous effort!