Mini School Updates

Junior School Report
It has certainly been an interesting start to term 3 with two lockdowns in the first few weeks. I would like to commend students on how well they have dealt with these disruptions and quickly adapted to the challenges of moving between onsite and remote learning. Personally, I greatly appreciate the welcome from both students and families after moving into the Junior School Leader position. We are fortunate to now have 3 coordinators working in Junior School with Joe Licciardello looking after 7 A – E, Ashley Scott 7 F – H and 8 F -G, Hannah Keegan 8 A – E, plus Riley Baldi supporting students across all classes.
This term has seen the introduction of the uniform exchange and our new puffer jackets have arrived. It is fabulous to see students looking so great in their uniforms and new jackets. We appreciate that students have been willing to access the uniform exchange when needed. If you require further assistance with uniform, please contact the Junior School as we are happy to support you.
In what is an exciting time of the year, over the last couple of weeks, students have been selecting their electives for next year over the last couple of weeks. This offers students an opportunity to focus on their interests and perhaps give something new a try next year. Final selection processes for Sports Academy and Music Excellence are currently well underway.
I look forward to a positive finish to term 3 and working with you all during term 4. I can be contacted through the Junior School on 51279240 if you wish to discuss your child's progress.
Kristy Bannister.
Junior School Leader
Middle School Report
Welcome to the Middle School Report for Semester 2. This semester commenced in the last 2 weeks of Term 2 with the Head Start program. This initiative has proved successful whilst giving us an even spread of teaching and learning weeks over the school year.
Course selection for 2022 has begun with year 9 students submitting their course selections online, entering them by August 6th. The year 10’s moving on to year 11 have had course information sessions during their study period with the senior school representatives giving students an insight into their course selection. Further information can be provided to year 10 students by the senior school if required.
With cold weather continuing, I implore parents and students to adhere to the Lowanna College uniform policy and please be aware of the uniform exchange policy that is now in effect. If parents need assistance with uniforms, please contact either the Middle School office
(51279246) or The Wellbeing Team via the main office (51279200)
Across the entire College, we have a strong focus on attendance and ensuring as few absences as possible. Evidence shows that poor attendance affects student outcomes. Please ensure that you contact the school if your child is away by either entering their absence on Compass yourself or contacting the Middle School Office on 51279246.
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Leader
Senior School Report
It certainly has been a testing start to Term 3. Multiple lockdowns, at short notice have challenged both VCE students and teachers. I have been pleased with the way that students have adapted and overcome the many challenges that they have faced throughout the course of the year.
SAC season is in full swing, and the upcoming weeks are a busy time for assessment across the senior school. I urge all students to stay focused, seek help and assistance from your teachers, and reach out for support if needed. We are all in this together, and it is important that we support each other in these challenging times.
Unfortunately, the GAT has been postponed for the 3rd time. This is an important assessment for the moderation of all VCE studies, so it relies on all students across the state completing this on the same day and time. With metropolitan lockdowns still in place, this is not possible at the moment. We will communicate with students and parents when we receive further notification regarding the GAT.
On a positive note, uniform across the senior school is looking fantastic, with the uniform exchange being used less and less by our students. This is very pleasing to see.
I wish you all the best for the 2nd half of this term. Hopefully, we are able to put lockdowns behind us and have some continuity in our learning.
Trevor Cox
Senior School Leader