Advance Vaccination information
Keilor Downs College
Advance Vaccination information
Keilor Downs College
Advance vaccination information
Dear Unit 3 & 4 students and parents. We know that some time today, schools will receive specific identification numbers that will allow Year 12 students to make priority bookings for a Pfizer vaccination. This also applies to any Year 11 students who are sitting the GAT or an exam this year. Appointments will be held aside just for Year 12 students at the state hubs and a special phone number will be set up to access these appointments. This hotline will open up on Monday. We are not sure what form the ID numbers will come in but I imagine we will send these to you electronically through your Compass emails. So stay posted and watch for this information to come through some time today. The local state hubs are in Deer Park, at Sunshine Hospital or places like the Showgrounds, Exhibition Building and Convention Centre. If you have already made a booking then you can choose to keep that or see if you can get one sooner through this process. We also have a second option especially for KDC. The clinic that runs our Doctors In Schools program has offered us a priority booking day at their clinic in Kings Park. If enough people are interested, they will open on a Saturday in the next few weeks and administer Pfizer vaccines for any of our students who want it. I will send specific information out on this later today. The only slight difference with this process is that you will have to fill in a patient information form for the clinic but these appointments will be accessed directly and not through the state hotline. I will send out detailed information as soon as we receive it so start thinking about the option that would be best for you. The aim of DET is to have all students at least partly vaccinated before the GAT and fully vaccinated before the VCE exams. As a school, we strongly support government health advice and will do everything we can to support students and families throughout this process. (Please note: This is strongly recommended but not mandated and we have received no guidelines about vaccination status impacting on exam attendance.)
Stay tuned for further information.
Linda Maxwell