From the Principal

Thought for the week

“Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and difficult as that. There is no other way.” - Michael Leunig


The Huntingtower School culture is born out of love, kindness, and the belief that we have everything we need to be the best versions of ourselves right now. All we need is opportunity, experience, and time. I refuse to believe that the current situation will make us anything but the best versions of ourselves.


As we travel the path of life, we have hopes, dreams, aspirations and if we let love guide us, we will see that everything that happens along the way is a moment in time, a moment that will pass. Each moment provides a chance to learn more about ourselves. The test of our true character is not best observed in positive times but can been seen in moments where we are tested emotionally, physically and even when our faith is tested.

While from time to time we all need to acknowledge when we are not being the best version of ourselves, the magic happens when we reset and make the conscious effort to lift our hearts and spirits.


Throughout my professional career, I have sought the road less travelled. I have eagerly accepted opportunities people told me I should not take, accepted big challenges, and experienced some difficult setbacks. I have been blessed that this sometimes bumpy road that I have followed has eventually brought me here… to Huntingtower. Everything I have done previously, has given me the experience, skills, knowledge, empathy and humility to bring the best version of myself to serve the beautiful Huntingtower community.


So, for now we find ourselves in a pandemic. What positives are we going to take from this experience? I am seeing students who are more adaptive, independent, resilient, creative, and grateful. It is my hope that the generation of students who come through this period will be able to respond positively to all that life may throw at them in the future and excel. 

I see a future where, with the support of the wonderful families, teachers and extended Huntingtower community, our students will become the best version of themselves and achieve the Mission and Purpose of Huntingtower to be a beneficial presence in the world, to uplift thought and to bless mankind.


Despite the obstacles presented, Huntingtower remains a hive of activity with lots of amazing things going on. We have:

  • House Debating & Chess Carnivals to be held online
  • Virtual Cross Country running for a week. Staff are encouraged to run or walk for their Houses
  • Tournament of Minds continuing with teams filming their presentations
  • Debating & Public Speaking: DAV, British and AIDPSC are up and running
  • Chess competitions going ahead online

Staff Changes:

At the commencement of Term 3 we have welcomed some new teachers to the Community.  Mrs Jody Goddard has taken some well-deserved long service leave and has been replaced by Mrs Elise Wackett.  Mrs Belinda Baynham has commenced as Acting Head of Sport replacing Ms Natalie Lath. Mr Thanh Do has replaced Mr William Winata teaching Mathematics and as Year 10 mentor.  Ms Marika Borlase moved interstate and has been replaced by Helena Scarlata to teach Art. Mrs Kahli Trist has commenced parental leave and also welcomed her new baby to the family.  Kahli has been replaced by Mr Timothy Morgan-Richardson to teach Science and Year 9 Mentor.  All our new staff have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the students and have felt very welcomed by the community.

Mrs Wackett
Mrs Baynham
Mr Do
Mrs Wackett
Mrs Baynham
Mr Do
Mrs Scarlata
Mr Morgan-Richarson
Mrs Scarlata
Mr Morgan-Richarson

We have so much to be grateful for and once again I thank all families for their continued support.


Andrew Houghton