Principal Report

On behalf of Edenhope College staff we just wanted to thank you for your efforts over our latest stint of remote learning. Its not easy at the best of times, but even harder this time given that we'd only been back for 4 days from holidays. We're constantly checking student wellbeing when on remote learning and also now when back at school. Please look after your own wellbeing as well! Once again thank you! 

Gentle Soul at Rest - Dr Anne Longmire

Previous Edenhope College principal Anne Longmire passed away on the 15/7/21 aged 70. Edenhope College sends their condolences to her family at this sad time. Anne was an amazing person who hired a handful of our current staff at the College and influenced their direction in education. I was one of those people who had the pleasure of knowing Anne. In her presence you felt at ease, but supported. She was a wonderful educator who passed her passion to those she taught or led. 


Anne was instrumental in creating the garden at the front of the College. You are more than a memory in our hearts Anne, we see part of you every day, thank you!


Student Engagement


Student Attitudes to School

The Student Attitudes to School Survey is now complete and there is a real positive trend in students feedback regarding classroom engagement, feeling safe at school (wellbeing), and a stronger presence of student voice. As a staff we have worked hard at this and want to maintain a positive learning environment.


Staff Attitudes to School Survey is now open for staff and the Parent Attitudes to School Survey will be conducted over the next month. We will contact all families and send you the link. Your feedback for your child’s learning environment is important, so when we contact you please take the time to make a difference.


Year 9/10 Electives 2022

As all parents of our current Year 8 and 9 students would know, we are currently collating elective subjects for 2022. We’ve surveyed the students and are now setting up subjects for student selection. We are looking to present the elective choices to students in week 7 and have the process completed and closed by the end of week 8. Students asked for PE/Health to be taken out of the elective program and put back in as a weekly subject and we’ve done this. The structure of electives and our core curriculum, for 7 – 10 sits directly in alignment with the Victorian Curriculum recommendations. Technology, the Arts and Citizenship (community/volunteer), will feature strongly in elective choices for 2022.


Book Week

Week 5 sees our Library conducting Book Week, with the highlight being the whole school ‘dress up’ on Wednesday the 11th August. Disney will be the theme and there is a lot of excitement amongst staff and students. Unfortunately, this year Covid restrictions have stopped us inviting parents/grandparents  and the community in. We are still looking forward to opening our new library up to the community at a later date.



New Assistant Principal Chad Frost has taken over the Senior School coordinating role and has wasted no time in getting to touch base with the Year 11 and 12 students. Chad has also spent time with the Year 10’s who are nearing subject selection for 2022 VCE/VCAL. Chad has brought a multitude of ideas for future curriculum at Edenhope College and has settled in well with staff and students alike. 


Current Covid Restrictions

Please be aware that at this stage only essential visitors are allowed at school. Anyone who does need to come to the Office, will need to sign in with the QR code and wear a face mask. 


If you are unwell, please stay at home. Please do not send your child to school if they have any of the following symptoms;

  • loss or change in sense of smell or taste
  • fever
  • chills or sweats
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • shortness of breath
  • runny nose

Trevor McClure
