Connecting to the Learning in DP: Philosophy, Psychology and Music
English philosopher John Locke, 1632 - 1704
Connecting to the Learning in DP: Philosophy, Psychology and Music
English philosopher John Locke, 1632 - 1704
The DP Philosophy program revolves around the Core Theme which asks the question, “What does it mean to be human?”
This Term, the Year 11 class will finish their exploration of this theme by investigating questions of personhood and identity. Students began with a close reading of passages from John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, in which he proposes that memory is the key to identity. Already the class is forming strong opinions in response to Locke's views.
Following this, students will engage with the contrasting views of David Hume and ancient Buddhist philosophy.
The Year 12 class is, sadly, nearing the end of their DP Philosophy journey and busy completing their Internal Assessment - a philosophical investigation inspired by a non-philosophical stimulus. Between them, the students have brought a fascinating range of prompts to the table - from anime to Lolita.
Caterina Pacitti
teacher of DP Philosophy
Psychology in the DP is a course that not only skills students to think critically, it sets them up beautifully for further study after completing high school.
Over the first year we cover three core approaches to Psychology, looking at the mind through different lenses; The Socio-cultural, Cognitive and Biological approaches.
Students will seek to answer questions such as, "Why do we conform?", "How does our culture influence our identity?","How does memory work?","What are different structures and chemicals in our brain responsible for, and how do they influence our thoughts and behaviours?"
This term, we are studying the biological approach; structures of the brain (see images), neurotransmitters and hormones and how they act in the brain. We debate nature vs nurture in the development of our personalities and look at various twin studies in this. Additionally, students wishing to do Psychology at Higher Level will also discuss the use of animal studies and the ethics of using these to understand the human condition.
Additionally, students cover up to two additional options of Abnormal Psychology and Developmental Psychology.
Kat Girbau
teacher of DP Psychology
As we head into the final stages of Year 12, the focus is to complete the two practical portfolios and the Music Links Investigation Report. This Report is a comparison study of two works chosen by each student, designed to illustrate the connection between all music, so students are asked to compare and contrast two works from completely different musical cultures. In amongst this, students are spending time exploring and experimenting creating and performing music. The Year 12s are in the process of refining and recording their performance and creating works. Despite finding ourselves on Zoom again, they are soldiering on.
Year 11 students are the first cohort to embark on an entirely new DP Music course and, after spending semester one skilling up, they have begun to produce the work for the first of three portfolios. In some ways mirroring COVID life, the students are currently adapting a work for their chosen instrument, which requires that they develop new skills and present this music with a transformed perspective. Through research and analysis they are delving deeper into a variety of music from different times and across all corners of the globe.
Karoline Kuti
teacher of DP Music
Music Coordinator