MYP: Connecting to Individuals and Societies
Year 9 etchings
MYP: Connecting to Individuals and Societies
Year 9 etchings
Statement of Inquiry: Human innovation has influenced our societal structures.
This term, students are engaged with the unit "Humans and Civilisation" and are exploring the key concept of 'Development' by examining the role evolution and innovation has played for our ancestors and our communities over time.
This term in Individuals and Societies, our Year 8s are researching concepts of conflicts and peace. Our Statement of Inquiry is: Nations form alliances to protect their military, cultural and economic interests.
So far we have unpacked the concept of war and violence in the context of human history and debated whether it is in our DNA to go to war. Next week we begin our studies on WWI. Keep an eye out at the end of term for our Peace Exhibition!
Statement of Inquiry: Scientific and technical innovation challenges society’s pre-existing understanding of mind and body, self and other.
Students will soon generate their own question for philosophical inquiry, within the context of philosophy of mind, and use this to write their own original philosophical analysis.
Statement of Inquiry: Ideologies have played a major role in the revolutions which have shaped contemporary global interactions.
Students are researching to write a piece of analytical journalism that aims to help readers understand and critically evaluate the role of nationalism and communism in China’s evolution.
Simone Braid & Anthony Cavagna
teachers of MYP Individuals and Societies