Head of Campus
School production
Head of Campus
School production
If there is one thing COVID has taught us, it is the value of adaptability. With a moment's notice our teachers adapt their curriculum and delivery methods to suit the new educational landscape, whilst ensuring the highest quality teaching is maintained. Students resiliently adapt to the new learning environment, which often requires that they learn to use new platforms and online programs. The administration and facilities teams also adapt and respond to the new needs of the school community. Families all trying to work from home adapt to the new daily routine, often requiring that they rearrange their rooms to accommodate the new online setting.
For some people online learning is extremely difficult and prevents them from engaging in the way they would like to; their perseverance in these difficult times impressively leads to greater flexibility in their learning.
Learning to reach out and ask for help is also really important, so please do so to any of our teachers and/or to Julia, Amir, Cressida and me. There is no doubt that this constantly changing educational environment has its challenges, however, through this need to be flexible and adaptable, new skills are developed, new methods of teaching and learning are discovered and new ways of connecting with one another are found.
This remarkable adaptability comes from the determined resilience, positive attitude and commitment shown by the individual and underpins the heart-warming sense of community that is so special at Preshil. This reassuring sense of belonging to our beautiful community inspires us all to find ways to support one another with patience, kindness and care.
While we carry on planning events in the hope that our community can come together again soon, we continue to find ways to adapt and change how this may eventuate. The recent MYP and DP Information sessions illustrated this flexibility perfectly. Natalie Kunst and Mark Harrington adapted their presentations to an online webinar, sharing information and celebrating the exceptional IB programmes that both the MYP and DP are.
The job of developing, rehearsing and refining a school production is always huge and in times of COVID is made even more challenging. With good humour and positivity, The Little Shop of Horrors cast, crew and musicians have been exploring innovative ways to present this production no matter what life throws their way - from stage, to live stream, to Zoom… anything is possible.
Nothing will stop the Pavement Choir either. Taking rehearsals online and singing through Zoom connects everyone and starts the day with joy. All families are invited to join in this fun and a Zoom link will be provided in Compass.
I am so grateful to all the staff, students and families who continue to support and facilitate the importance of our community connection through their willingness to continually adapt.
Karoline Kuti
Head of Campus