Diploma Programme

I am now in my third week at Preshil and am greatly impressed by the enthusiasm and positivity of all the teaching staff, the administration staff and leadership in working for the goal of helping your children achieve their best in their studies.
I would like to highlight below some important upcoming events.
Year 12 mock exams: Monday 6 to Friday 10 September
These mock exams will mirror the actual November exams so all papers will be included (P1, P2 if applicable and P3 if applicable) and the times will be the same. They will be run with very formal and strict starting and ending announcements and procedures. It is extremely important that students follow all the exam instructions given so as not to jeopardise their participation in these important mock exams. I, along with their DP teachers, will be doing all we can to assist students in achieving their best in this exam preparation.
Year 10s (MYP) moving to Year 11 (DP)
Preshil has a program to make the transition for students from the MYP to the DP easier, as follows:
- Monday 9 August: DP Subject Selection Expo, 4pm in the Library (opportunity to gain more information before deciding on the six subjects)
- Thursday 19 August: Personal Project Exhibition, 4pm in the Library (this is good preparation for the DP Extended Essay)
- Monday August 23: beginning of two-week Year 10 Exam Period and Benchmark Testing - Reading & Maths (relevant for the DP mock exams in Years 11 & 12 and the external DP exam in November 2023)
- Wednesday 25 August and Thursday 2 September: Three-Way Conferences (teacher|parent|student interviews), 3pm – 9pm and 2pm – 8pm respectively
- Monday 15 November: Early Commencement of DP for Year 10 students (this is a unique initiative of Preshil to give the Year 10 students a good 'head start' to the DP).
Now deferred until the morning of Thursday 12 August 2021.
Contacting me
If parents or guardians of Year 10s (regarding DP commencement), Year 11s and Year 12s would like to see me to discuss any issue concerning their child(ren) then please contact me at mark.harrington@preshil.vic.edu.au Appointments can be in person (if government allowed) or via Zoom or telephone - whatever suits you best. I would be delighted to meet with you. I met a number of parents via Zoom last week and I look forward to meeting more.
Why we are at Preshil
Our reason for being at Preshil is solely to motivate and help your children in every way we can in order for them to achieve their best with their studies. This is what motivates all of us and I can assure you it will always be our focus and goal.
I look forward to regularly keeping you updated.
Mark Harrington
DP Coordinator