Kitchen Garden

We welcomed the last class of 3/4’s to the garden today, and what a great day it was, the rain and storm even held off for us. 


Exploring the garden beds to fill in the garden treasure hunt warm up activity was a great way for everyone to see  what is in a Kitchen Garden. 


In small groups, lead by teachers, parent and grandparents volunteers, the students got to harvest lettuce, bok choy, leeks and radish with a few surprise potatoes, too. We had enough for each student to take home 2 varieties of vegetables. The challenge was to use it over the weekend and share how they used it during this weeks garden session. 


Some groups had enough time to begin lightly digging the now bare patches and adding some blood and bone, sea mugus and rooster booster. The next step is a layer of compost followed by a thin layer of aged calf manure straw to help retain moisture as well as feed the soil. All this preparation will ensure our summer crops thrive.