
Mr Su

Junior Level

The Prep classes have been reviewing and extending their learning of body parts, and based on thevocabulary learning, they have also explored using short Subject-Verb-Object sentences to describe ‘有have’and ‘没有do not have’. The Year 1/2 classes started exploring pictograms in Chinese including ‘日sun’, ‘月moon’, ‘山mountain’, ‘水water’ and ‘火fire’. As part of the cultural learning, the Junior students alsodiscussed the traditions of Mid-Autumn Festival and made their own art crafts.











Middle Level

Students from Year 3/4 classes have been exploring a new topic of vegetables including learning the literalmeaning of the names of different vegetables that contains the cultural understandings of Chinese language.We also extended to learning functional expressions of ‘我想买I want to buy’ and ‘多少钱how much’ inMandarin and reviewed using numbers to tell difference prices. During the Book Week, we read a classicstory of Magic Melon and discussed how diligence is greatly valued by the Chinese people in their

traditional culture.




Senior Level

While reviewing the vocabulary of countries, the Year 5/6 classes have also been learning expressions ofdescribing where a person comes from and what languages a person speaks. During the Father’s Day, wealso discussed the origin of Chinese characters ‘父father’ and ‘母mother’as well as the meaning of thetraditional Chinese expression of ‘父爱如山,母爱如水(father’s love is like mountain and mother’s love islike water)’. We also had much fun learning and sharing the ways of celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival anddiscussing the legend behind the festival regarding how Chang’E and Hou Yi could remain