Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Dear Parents & Friends,

As we come to the end of an extremely busy Term 3 it is great to look back on all we have done as a school community. What each of our children has achieved has been amazing and a credit to each of our teachers and LSOs, who have facilitated and supported children's learning. Special thanks also to each of the school leaders for the integral role they play in planning and promoting curriculum development and for the support they provide for classroom teachers. It really is such a big team effort that ensures the programs and activities at Trinity are the best we can offer and most importantly, relevant and targetted to each child's learning needs. Of course our focus on the social and emotional development of our children has been equally imprtant and I believe, for the most part, each of our children loves coming to school every day. No doubt we have had our ups and downs but these too are important challenges in our learning and I hope help our children to become more resilient and enthusiastic learners. 

Thank you to all of our parents and the other members of your families for the very important part you all play in preparing your children for school each day, supporting home learning and

of course, whenever possible, attending the important occassions we have at school. 


Tomorrow will be our last day of term and our student leaders have organized a Footy Colours Day in response to the 'FightCancer Foundations' initiative: 

Fight Cancer Foundation’s Footy Colours Day is a national community fundraising event which helps kids with cancer keep up with school. 

We ask all children to bring a GOLD Coin donation and please encourage your child to dress up in their favourite teams colours or outfits to celebrate this day. 

We will be holding a short assembly to say farewell to each other from 12:45pm with all students finishing at 1:35pm. 

Next term I will be away, on leave, for the first two weeks but look forward to returning in week three. During that time, if you have any concerns or need to be in touch please direct all enquiries to Mrs Smith who will be in charge until I return. 


Prayer:  A Prayer for the End of Term: 

We thank you Lord, for this term. For the challenges, the successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt. Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends. Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith. Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays, to appreciate what others do for us, to give time and effort to help others. To be peacemakers in our family. Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest and good fun. Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term. We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents And a community that cares for us. May we always be conscious of you in our lives. Amen

Student Learning - Shared Stories: 

Imagine if...

Our Shared Stories journey continues and our children have been given many wonderful opportunities to respond to this year's theme, 'Imagine If...' As explained earlier this year. The Shared Stories project is a joint effort by hundreds of primary and secondary students all over Victoria. This year is our first year being involved and already we have had many great pieces completed and we will now begin the difficult task of selecting our finalists. I have included several examples so far below which give an example of the great qulaity of our children's writing.


From Prep: 


Imagine if I could change the world... I would share all of my love with animals and people


From Year 1


Imagine if I was a superhero 

I would be a supergirl. I’d help the poor. 

Be helpful and make the world a better place. 

I’d give food to the people that don’t have food. I’d save the earth and the oceans.

I’d save the trees and the animals. 

I’d be kind and help people.

That's the superhero I’d be.


From Year 3/4


Imagine if we all had wishes and those wishes came true. This is what I would imagine…

I would imagine if we could open a window for the whole world to see what a beautiful world we can be.

Imagine that all the people who don't have a family could know what it feels like to be loved.

Imagine the homeless people  had a warm and welcoming place to stay.

Imagine if all the sick people had an antidote for every disease or sickness known to humankind.

Imagine a world where the people who don't have money   have other people to share with them.

Imagine a world that had no violence, streetfights, riots, wars or uprisings.

Imagine if all the countries were connected as one and everyone from the different countries  were friends.

Imagine a world that was full of HAPPINESS  and everyone felt happy in their hearts.

 Imagine if everyone encouraged everyone else to be the best they could be.

Imagine if we were as kind to the earth, as we would be to a friend or someone we know.     

Imagine  if the only emotions we could ever feel were happiness, pride and gratitude.

These are the things I would wish for.

Children are also being encouraged to submit art work related to this theme which may also be chosen for the finished publication.                    

MACSSIS (Melbourne Archdioces Catholic Schools School Improvement Surveys)

Once again thank you to all those who have copmpleted the School Surveys. Tomorrow, Friday 16th will be the final day that these surveys can be completed. If one parent from each family has not yet completed the survey I would strongly encourage you to do this before the curt off. The information we gain, especially form parents, is vital to our school improvement plans for 2023. 


(See Local Community Page)

Also advertising 

  • Irish Dancing Christine Ayres
  • Lennox Market
  • Karate Lessons
  • Fitzroy City Soccer Club
  • Dance Lessons
  • Music Lesson
  • Kind Regards

Mr Nigel Rodrigues 
