This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
Welcome back to St James for the final term of 2022. This term is action packed with plenty of extra curricular activities to compliment the high level of learning which the teachers have planned for all students in their classes.
A few highlights we are looking forward to include;
- Twilight Sports on Monday 17 October (optional early dismissal at 2pm) commencing at 4.15 at the Bill Sewart Athletics Track.
See attached P&F flyer for more information.
- Please look out for the optional early dismissal reply for the Twilight Sports via Operoo later in the week.
- Swimming program for Prep to Year Four students commences later this term.
- With the weather producing some warm and some cold days, we will have a two week transition period for students to wear the most appropriate uniform before moving fully into Summer uniform mode, though hats are a must every day.
- Prep 2023 Information Evening is on Monday 10 October 7pm - 8.45pm here in the Community Centre.
Uniform Supplier Change
Following a thorough review of school uniform suppliers, we have decided to change from PSW to Spartan. Spartan currently supply our bags and hats. The advantages of changing to Spartan were presented to our School Advisory Council last term. These include:
- A store located in Bayswater
- Online ordering option
- A weekly delivery service to St James for us to hand out to students
- Slightly cheaper prices
- All supplies, except for the sports polo tops
There will be a slight delay in uniform availability as the change over of stock location officially takes place this week. If your child does not have a required item of uniform please email your child's class teacher and they may wear a suitable alternative until our stock is up and running at Spartan. We will publish details of how to order through Spartan in the next week.
So to summarise, PSW is now closed to St James families and Spartan will open in approximately two weeks time.
Our Swimming Program
One of our term highlights is our swimming program. Years Prep – Year 4 enjoy a nine-day intensive program at Knox Leisureworks in Boronia. Research supports that this is the best setting to build our swimming and water survival skills. We are very fortunate to have the program at the start of the summer season. It runs from Monday 14 to Friday 25 November, with Friday 18 November as a rest day. It’s a School Closure Day – before our Parish Fete. Thursday 24 November will be a Clothes Survival Day, when children will practise skills with clothes on! Forms will come home soon, with more details. Costs are covered in the levies.
Year 5 enjoy an Inland Water program at Lysterfield Lake, planned for Thursday 8 December; whilst Year 6 head to the beach for their Water Safety Day on Friday 9 December. These programs are run by Life Saving Victoria.
A few more updates:
- We are seeking a family to help out this weekend for Farm Duty - Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th October - please email if you are able to assist.
- The Visiting School nurse will be here this Wednesday 5 October and on Tuesday 18 October.
- A reminder to check that your WWCC is up to date.
- This Friday we welcome back a past student, Anthony Jordan who will share his experience of participating in the Commonwealth Games.
- Weather permitting, Marathon Club begins on Wednesday 12 October.
- P&F Dad's Night Out - Friday 21st October 7pm at Mitcham Social - flyers to come home this week.
Enjoy the week ahead.