SoNiC Music Fest

The Arts

Our Big Day Out . . . 

Year 11 musicians Rebecca Attwood and Marcus Secedes reveal the fun they had performing to a capacity crowd at the College's first SoNiC Music Fest . .  .


THE inaugural SoNiC Music Fest - held on Sunday, 18 September at the well-known live music venue Universal Bar in Northbridge - was filled with performances from the Certificate III Music bands Common Sense, Serotainment, Horses in Hospital, Upset Humour and Running on Empty.


It was a very exhilarating experience for us. The lead up was hectic, as every band was trying to perfect their songs in order to deliver the best performance possible. Balancing external commitments, school work and practicing songs in bands was challenging for everyone. However, in the end we all managed to learn and play our songs to a very high standard. 


Everyone was really nervous before coming on stage, but once we started playing it felt very natural and we had a lot of fun. The skills that we learnt in class and our passion for music worked together to enhance our performance skills and allow us to feel comfortable on stage. There were many people (including students, parents and staff) who came to watch – it was a sell out with around 300 people in attendance throughout the afternoon.


Performing in front of such a large crowd is not an opportunity we would normally get to have and although it made everyone nervous, we were extremely thankful for the amazing opportunity. 


The experience gave us insight into what the future could look like in our music career. It felt nice to have someone professionally mixing and monitoring the sound, which allowed Mr Beins and Mr Di Labio to lead a mosh pit in the front. 


All in all, it was a very fun experience and thank you to everyone involved - Mr Beins, Mr DiLabio, Ms Quartermain, Ms Harvey and the staff at Universal Bar - for giving us an opportunity to play at a popular venue and an outside gig.​


And thanks to Mr D'Almeida for capturing the photographs of the day. More can be seen here:


Rebecca Attwood and Marcus Secades 

(Year 11)