P&C News





Annual Quiz Night

Tickets on sale now! Don’t miss out on the annual quiz night! 22 October!!



Kali Cafe News

Thank you to everyone who supported our school canteen this term by buying lunch for their kids. A big thank you also to the new volunteers who have helped Bev and Kelli to keep the canteen running smoothly.


Next term we will have a summer menu with lots of cold treats for hot days. We also have a big range of gluten free options such as cheesies, pizzas, sausage rolls, spinach and ricotta rolls, wraps and sandwiches. Feel free to discuss your child’s dietary requirements with Bev. 


Enjoy the holidays and see you next term. 


Bev and the Canteen Committee 

Uniform Shop

Containers For Change

Reminder that you can donate your cans and glass bottles to the school via containers for change at the Knutsford Street Recycling Yard. Just tell them the money is to be donated to White Gum Valley Primary School and we'll ensure that it is used wisely for the school. Your support is always greatly appreciated.