Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,


After a very busy term the students enjoyed a range of Well-Being activities during the last week. Thank you for your financial support of the Super Circus activity and also, to those of you who helped students prepare for the wonderful Music Assembly. Our thanks to Mr Kaloczy, the Well-Being committee and to staff for all of their input.

The Free Dress Day was very successful. Funds raised from the gold coin donation will go to our ROS charity, the Australian Nature Conservancy who are involved with monitoring endangered species. We appreciate your support with this fundraising. I didn’t know there were so many shades of green in the clothing that was worn today though any free dress was encouraged if green wasn’t available.


The Year Six camp was a great success which was due to the willingness of all of the students to actively engage in the activities and the staff who worked closely along their students. 

Thank you to Mrs Walker, Ms Reid, Ms Edmonds. Mr Truong, Mrs Maciel and Mrs Supra for making themselves available to stay with the students overnight and for encouraging them with the wide range of leadership and outdoor educational initiatives that had been organised.


The Interschool Athletics carnival has been scheduled for the second Thursday of Term 4.

With Edu-Dance commencing also in week two, could parents who would like their child/ren involved please arrange to forward the cost of the sessions to school early next term if you haven’t already done so.

Other events happening before our next newsletter include our Open Evening and the running of a Pre-Primary excursion to the Fremantle library as well as a Year 1 excursion to the Landsdale Farm School. 


Coming home on CONNECT/email will be some information on a review undertaken on dogs on 




school grounds. It aligns to reviews being undertaken at other school sites as well. 


The results of the 2022 NAPLAN have gone home to families in years 3 and 5. The school receives a range of data from these tests which complements the information we collect from other formal diagnostic assessments as well as ongoing class testing.

This year’s results will help direct our planning for term four and beyond.

In 2023, NAPLAN will be undertaken in Term One to maximise the use of the data that it generates in terms 3 and 4.


Well done to everyone who entered the Recycling bin cover design competition. Winners will be announced early next term. Students whose designs are selected will receive a $10.00 voucher for the canteen and have their work adorn the range of recycling bins that the school has in place.


Works being undertaken. Over the holiday we have some paving being undertaken in the area of the bike racks, some game markings being painted on the bitumen and some repair work being completed on the Basketball Court retaining wall. If you are passing the school during the break and notice any antisocial behaviour, we have the number of Education Security on signage around the school. (1800177777)


The staff join me to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable break with your children.

School recommences for students on TUESDAY 11 October.

Staff will be at school on the Monday participating in a range of professional learning as well as undertaking whole school planning.



Glenn Rondoni
