Community & Communications

New Enrolments

Concord School is delighted to welcome seven new students and their families this term.  We welcome Karen and Joshua to the Bundoora Campus.    

Victorian State School Spectacular

On Saturday 16th of September, a talented group of Secondary 9-10 students participated in the Victorian State School Spectacular at Hisense Arena. They rehearsed for many months leading in to this event. Well done to all students who participated and the dedicated staff who worked tirelessly to make this happen. Concord School are very proud!

Concord Community Connections

The next meeting will be held in the Conference Room at the Bundoora Campus:

When: Tuesday 24th October

Time: 1.30 - 2.30pm

All parents/carers are welcome to attend. 


Jane Stacey,

Acting Community and Communications Manager

School Nurse

Hay fever, Asthma & Thunderstorm Asthma

With spring and the pollen season upon us we need to be prepared for higher pollen counts and unexpected weather changes that could trigger asthma attacks, especially following the devastating impact of the Epidemic Thunderstorm Asthma event last November that claimed nine lives.

The November storm kicked up dust and pollen, and the moisture in the air from the humid, hot day burst the pollen into hundreds of tiny allergenic fragments, penetrating deep into victims' airways, causing asthma.

The great concern is people with hay fever who have never reported asthma symptoms who could have their first attack in these thunderstorm conditions.


If you have springtime hay fever (sneezing, running or blocked nose and itchy eyes) you are at risk from thunderstorm asthma, even if you have never previously suffered from asthma. Coughing, chest tightness, wheezing (a whistling musical sound in your chest when you breathe) or shortness of breath may be asthma. These symptoms may not be familiar to you but could be serious - seek medical attention.


Management of thunderstorm asthma:

If you usually suffer from asthma, make sure you are taking your preventer regularly, have your reliever with you at all times and have an updated asthma management plan in place. If you begin to experience breathing difficulties, activate your action plan. If you have severe shortness of breath dial 000 for an ambulance immediately. (In the past very few asthmatics who were taking regular preventers have required admission to hospital).

If you are a springtime hay fever sufferer talk your doctor about the option of putting prevention strategies in place such as taking preventer or maintenance medication during the pollen season (Grand Final Time in Melbourne until the end of the year) and providing you with asthma reliever medication in case of an asthma emergency. 


Be aware of thunderstorm warnings in spring and summer and monitor the pollen counts (the Bureau of Meteorology and Melbourne Pollen Count both have excellent smart phone apps and twitter feeds). If there is a thunderstorm warning in spring or summer, stay inside with windows closed or in air-conditioned areas where possible (this will reduce your allergen exposure).


Keep Well & Stay Safe


Rosemary Van Aperen,

School Nurse

Meet The Staff

In this edition of 'Meet the Staff' we speak with: Jakara O'Keeffe

What is your role at Concord School?

My role at Concord School is working with the Year 11 and year 12 students in the transition building. I am part of STC who are all working towards their VCAL certificate at the moment. 

Provide us with a ‘snapshot’ into your daily routine at Concord School:

My daily routine usually starts with me talking to Tim Clarke on what the focus is for the day, then it’s into organising the classroom/building before the students walk in when the 9am bell goes. The morning would involve either a Specialist class, focus on the VCAL integrated unit which is about The Environment or at Melbourne Polytechnic to support students in a VET Hospitality program. The rest of my timetable is filled with being in the STC classroom doing integrated VCAL work, which includes supporting the students and filing their work away to ensure they have met the outcomes. 

What do you love most about working at Concord School?

I love that every day is completely different, which keeps me busy and on my toes. The students constantly make me smile whether it’s by cracking a spontaneous joke or by their progress in their work/behaviour over the year.


Fast Seven:


Favourite Food: Thai food.

Favourite Movie/TV Show: Monsters Inc.

Favourite music: Florence and the Machine.

Things I hate the most: Birds.

Hidden Talent or Something We May Not Know About You: Torn my ACL in my right knee 3 times.

Favourite Sporting Team/Athlete: Essendon Bombers.


If You Could Pick Any 3 People as Dinner Guests, Who Would They Be and Why? 

1. Heston Blumenthal – so he could cook me an amazing 10 course meal.

2. Barack Obama – to know the ins and outs of the White House.

3. Rihanna – for dinner music entertainment.