Teaching & Learning

This week in our edition of teaching and learning we will focus on the wonderful achievements of our students as they venture into the community and work with students around the Banyule Nillumbik network through the tech schools program. We will also reflect on the celebrations around Concord during National Literacy and Numeracy week. Finally we will concentrate our attention on the last few weeks of learning at Concord School.

Tech School BOT Project

During the last eighteen months Concord has been working with many schools within our network to support the growth and development of a Tech School in Greensborough. To enhance the pathways of our students we have been supporting the tech school with planning for the future site.


An element of this has been the opportunity for some students to access content that will be running in the new school with other Secondary School aged students. One activity we were privileged to be part of was the Tech School BOT project. Two of our Secondary 9-10 students were able to work at the Melbourne Polytechnic site in Greensborough to learn about chat bots and to support the new tech school to develop a chat bot for their website. Alex and Dylan spent two days listening to different speakers from Microsoft then developing a Chat Bot for the Tech School.


At the conclusion of the second day there were various awards that were given to some of the students were awarded the best definition of a Chat Bot. We are extremely proud of the students who attended this session as they showcased some wonderful skills and they really demonstrated the Concord School values for the greater community.

National Literacy and Numeracy Week

In week eight Concord School celebrated National Literacy and Numeracy Week with most other schools across the nation. As usual we celebrated and reflected upon the learning with a whole school assembly that featured all sections of the school. During the week all students participated in various activities directly related to Literacy and Numeracy. It was a great week as parents came to visit and participate with their children. We were able to catch some readers, experience different writing styles, learn about particular texts, develop our location skills and overall had some real fun as we explored the exciting ways that we use Literacy and Numeracy in our everyday lives.

End of Term Learning

Term three has been a very busy term of learning. All of our students from Prep to Year 10 have worked through the concepts of Multiplication and Division, reading comprehension and writing various text types. It has been most pleasing to hear the wonderful progress that students have been making whilst being exposed to various content. I look forward to next term where we can see the application of skills for our students in other areas. The Secondary 7-10's will spend some time on decimals and fractions next term.


If you have an opportunity during the holidays you might start to use some of the language associated with these concepts in your everyday lives. An example would be to go shopping and name the decimal amounts listed within the shop. Talk about specials where items might be half price. Just build it in where you can.

Have a wonderful holiday.


Kirrily Lamers,

Assistant Principal