Learning and Teaching

ACARA Item Trial - testing NAPLAN questions
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is responsible for developing the questions (items) for the National Assessment Program, which includes NAPLAN.
Galilee has been selected to participate in this year's Item Trial.
What is an Item Trial?
The point of the Item Trial is to evaluate potential questions (items) for use in future NAPLAN tests.
About the Item Trial
-Schools are carefully selected to ensure that a range of student backgrounds and abilities is represented.
-The Item Trial is being held in approximately 440 schools across Australia between Monday 29 July and Friday 16 August 2019.
-The Item Trial is about testing the questions, not about testing the students, or their ability. No information that identifies the students will be collected and student results will not be reported.
-The students will sit two Item Trial tests. Year 5 will sit Reading and Conventions of Language on 7 August and Year 3 will sit Reading and Conventions of Language on 8 August. Please note that only 30 students from each year level will participate.
-The tests will be administered at school by trained test supervisors. Where tests are online, the students will use Chromebooks.
-All selected students are expected to participate in the Item Trial, unless they have been exempted or withdrawn from NAPLAN tests this year. If you have questions about your child's participation, please raise these with Danielle Gerecke dgerecke@gsm.vic.edu.au
Year 3
During our Writing classes in Year 3 we have been learning about the different types of poems. We have focused this week on acrostic poems and being able to identify the features of them. Using this knowledge, we have created our own acrostic poems about a topic of our choice. Reflecting on the rules of an acrostic poem we were able to compare and assess our own piece of writing to ensure we meet each of the rules. We cannot wait to continue learning and creating our own poems.
Beachside Soccer
Yesterday some of our students competed in the Beachside Division Soccer Tournament after qualifying in the Dendy competition last term.
We can happily report the boys were runners up overall. We are extremely proud of their efforts and team work.
The New SRC team begin!
Introducing the new SRC members for Semester Two. They are; Aleeya (6F), Lilian (6B), Patrick (5R), Chelsea (5B), Johnathan (4C), Sienna K (4G), Liam M (3L), Sebastian (3M), Lucinda (2C), Annabelle (2B) Molly (1C), Mason S (1F).
This term the SRC are planning to introduce some exciting new initiatives as well as continuing some from last semester. First we are starting with Nude Food and Line Up Legends. The SRC are promoting Nude Food. For those who have forgotten, Nude Food is when you bring your lunch to school without wrappers or in re-useable packaging. We do this because it makes the school a better place. We help the environment and animals which may be destroyed if we use food with lots of wrappers. Line up Legends is when we line up at school and whichever class lines up the best most often during the week wins an award.
This term we have already introduced better rewards for getting involved in Nude Food and Line Up Legends. Classes who win several times will have the opportunity to win prizes such as class parties and movies.
We are also very keen to receive your suggestions again so please make sure you place your ideas in the suggestion box in the library.
I think that the SRC this semester have got some great ideas and loads of enthusiasm. Stay tuned to find out how we will make our school even more awesome!
Sienna K (4G)