Education in Faith

Beginning of Term Three Prayer
WE GO (Echo Prayer)
God of Light,
ALL: God of Light
Jesus calls us to let our lights shine.
ALL: Jesus calls us to let our lights shine.
We have lots of gifts and talents,
ALL: We have lots of gifts and talents,
Many we do not even know about yet.
ALL: Many we do not even know about yet.
May we remember to let our lights shine during this term in our words and action.
ALL: May we remember to let our lights shine during this term in our words and action.
May we encourage others to do the same.
ALL: May we encourage others to do the same.
May we have the most amazing term, as we learn and grow together in mutual respect.
ALL: May we have the most amazing term, as we learn and grow together in mutual respect.
We pause to make our own prayer requests before God.
ALL: Lord hear our prayer.
We make our prayer through Jesus our brother and friend.
ALL: We make our prayer through Jesus our brother and friend.
All: Amen
Galilee Prayer Group
We had the meeting of our first Galilee Prayer Group last Friday before school. It was spirit filled and lovely. This will continue every Friday morning at 8:15am until 8:35am. All members of the Galilee school community are welcome. The objective of this Prayer Group is to pray for any needs of the school, the well-being of the students, staff and families and the parishes of Sts Peter and Paul and OLMC. It will be nurturing and loving. You don't need any qualifications or experience to attend. If you have a confidential prayer request, forms will be distributed at the beginning of Week Four for you to fill in. Then please drop these into the box which will be in the Administration foyer. We look forward to The Galilee Friday Morning Prayer Group growing and flourishing.
Galilee Pet Drive
The Year 6 SJ school leaders Cody and Drew along with the other SJ leaders in the school promoted the Galilee Pet Drive. As a school we are very grateful to the families who generously donated dry and tinned pet food, pet treats, dog blanket, pet bed and other items to distribute to the homeless on our streets so they can look after their pets. These pets often provide the people who are homeless protection as well as good company. The Pet Drive was suggested by Cody and his father Trevor who works for The Sacred Heart Mission. We thank them for their inspiration, time and willingness to distribute these pet items through the Sacred Heart Mission.
Feast days of Saints Peter and Paul and OLMC
Sunday June 30th was the celebration of the Feast day of Saints Peter and Paul. A wonderful time was had by all commencing with Mass celebrated by Father Dean, followed by a sit-down delicious lunch in the parish hall. The anniversary cake was scrumptious. The participants were entertained with a duet as well as the splendiferous Galilee students singing as a choir, followed by the amazing solo singing by Maya in Year One and violin performance by Annabelle in Year Three.
Many children and adults enjoyed the animal patting zoo and the coffee van kept the adults happy too. We were also blessed with lovely weather.
We also celebrated the feast Day of OLMC on Saturday July 20th. It was a reverent celebration of the Mass with the main message reminding us to be people who are hospitable and generous.
The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice statement for 2019
The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice statement for 2019-20120 is: Making it Real: genuine human encounter in our digital world. It shares Pope Francis’ challenge to us to ‘boldly become citizens of the digital world.’ It points out that we are called not just to be inhabitants of this world, but active citizens shaping it. Alongside all the amazing advances in modern communication technology, some serious challenges are presented. These include and are not limited to the harming of the vulnerable by online bullying and exploitation, the disadvantage of certain groups being unable to access the benefits of technology, fake news is promoted and people’s privacy has been undermined when personal data has been used for personal gain. Pope Francis calls us to not only love our neighbour, but bring the love of God to the global neighbourhood.
For further details about the Social Justice statement, visit the Office for Social Justice website (
Upcoming Masses and Liturgies
Term 3
15 August- Assumption Grade 4-OLMC-2:30pm (TBC)
19 August- Grandparent’s Mass- Grade 2-Sts PP-9am
28 August- Father’s Day Liturgy- Preps- Assembly time
20 September-Galilee Day-Grade 3-9:00am (TBC)
Religious Education-The use of Provocations
Many students are invited to study their new RE topic each term by partaking in a Provocation exercise. This Provocation may include a picture, painting, prayer, video, song...there are many possibilities. The aim of the Provocation is to 'provoke' the students' thoughts, feelings and attitudes toward the topic and its content being studied. You might like to ask your child about the provocation they studied as they begin their Term Three studies in Religious Education.